
Eye Site - Katy Office

(281) 644-2010

Eye Site - Memorial Office

(713) 984-9144

Early Symptoms of Macular Dystrophy

Early Symptoms of Macular Dystrophy

Our eyes need constant care and making sure you pay attention to warning signs of disease can save your vision. With a disease like macular dystrophy there are certain warning signs you should be looking for that will let you know when you should visit the eye doctor.

What is Macular Dystrophy?

Macular dystrophy is a rare eye disorder that is inherited and is thought to be a genetic mutation. Macular dystrophy causes macular degeneration and causes the most sensitive parts of the eye (the macula or central retina) to deteriorate. The central retina contains the most light-sensitive cells in the eye and as it deteriorates the eye is going to be able to detect less and less visible light, eventually leading to blindness.

Early Signs of Macular Dystrophy

There are some early warning signs of macular dystrophy that you can look for. The first is mild blurring of the vision. This indicates that that there is something wrong and that you should seek immediate help. For those looking for an optometrist in the Katy and Houston area, Eye Site is a wonderful option. Another early symptom of macular dystrophy is mild distortion of the vision. If you notice that you might be not seeing as clearly or that your vision is worsening more quickly than usual, you may need to seek help.

Your eye doctor can look at the macula and tell if there is any damage or if the macula is degenerating. With a disease like macular dystrophy, your vision is going to progressively worsen. Your vision is not going to completely vanish in one day, you might notice that you are not seeing as clearly, that you are having trouble seeing in low light, that your eyes hurt or are blurry often. When you do notice these changes it is important to get to the eye doctor quickly so that they can evaluate your eyes.

There is no cure for macular dystrophy or for macular degeneration yet, but an optometrist at Texas Eye Sight can help you to manage your disease and be aware of potential changes that might occur. We are more than happy to maintain healthy eyes. Give us a call at (713) 201-4177.

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