
Eye Site - Katy Office

(281) 644-2010

Eye Site - Memorial Office

(713) 984-9144

Katy: Eye Site - Memorial

Interpreting Your Eyeglasses Prescription

Interpreting Your Eyeglasses Prescription Like a Pro

Are you wondering what the numbers and letters on your prescription eyeglasses mean? If so, you’re not alone. Most people who get a prescription from an optometrist find it challenging to decipher. But this quick and easy guide by Eye Site will help you interpret the instructions like a pro. We always ensure our patients at Memorial and Katy understand their unique eye health situation to make informed long-term decisions about vision care.

Components of an Eyeglasses Prescription

In a typical eyeglasses prescription, you’ll see two sphere (SPH) values. These numbers indicate nearsightedness or farsightedness in each eye. OD (oculus dexter) represents the right eye, while OS (oculus sinister) stands for the left eye. If there’s a negative (-) sign near the value, it means you’re nearsighted. On the other hand, a positive value (+) signifies farsightedness.

The number alongside the positive or negative value is the lens power, which is measured in units called diopters. To visualize the state of your eye based on the lens power, think of it as a ruler with zero at the center. Zero, in this case, is the optimal condition. The more your sphere value moves away from the center, in either direction, the more powerful your prescription becomes.

Another key element of an eyeglasses prescription is Cylinder (CYL) and Axis. These numbers determine the degree and orientation of astigmatism, a common condition that causes blurred vision at all distances. Corrections are needed.

Lastly, you might see an “Add” section if you need additional lens power. This is often the case for patients requiring bifocal or progressive lenses to further magnify near vision tasks like reading or computer work.

Get Professional Eyecare Services from an Eye Doctor Near You

Ready to visit an eye doctor near you for expert services? Ensure you get an optometrist who cares about your long-term vision health, not just giving a prescription. At Eye Site, we’re dedicated to our work and ensure we handle your eyecare just like we would like to be handled. Contact our Katy clinic at (281) 644-2010 or Memorial at (713) 984-9144 for more information or to book an appointment.

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