Management of Ocular Diseases


imageThe more you know about common eye diseases, the smarter you can be about seeking the appropriate preventative care and/or treatment. Here are some of the eye diseases we diagnose and treat at The Vision Center.

  • Glaucoma - Glaucoma is a condition in which the optic nerve loses function due to progressive damage. This damage is typically caused by high intraocular pressure. The most common type of glaucoma, wide-angle glaucoma, may progress slowly and inexorably over many years, while narrow-angle glaucoma is an acute event that can cause major vision loss quickly. It's critical to receive regular checks for glaucoma, since the early stages typically produce no symptoms.
  • Diabetic Eye Disease - Diabetes is notorious for damaging blood vessles, including the small, delicate blood vessels that serve the inside of the eye. Diabetic eye diseases can cause leakage of blood into the fluid interior of the eye, interfering with vision. An eye exam can detect this problem, sometimes revealing diabetes to patients who were unaware that they even have it. getting the diabetes under control is a crucial part of treatment.
  • Macular Degeneration - Macular degeneration is an age-related condition that causes distortions or even blank spots in your central vision. Since it is both progressive and irreversible while producing no early symptoms, you need to have your retinas examined on a regular basis so we can detect it in its earliest stages. Medications, nutritional changes and other treatments can at least slow the condition and help you retain optimal eyesight.
  • Cataracts - A cataract is an opaque, cloudy or milky-looking intraocular lens. The cloudiness occurs when proteins in the lens start to stick together in clumps. Symptoms include blurry vision, sparkly halos around light sources, poor nighttime vision, trouble seeing certain colors and sensitivity to bright light. Most cataracts are considered a natural side effect of the aging process, although some can also be brought on more quickly by systemic diseases, drugs or high levels of UV exposure. While cataracts cannot currently be reversed, we can compensate for blurry vision with glasses until the condition becomes severe enough to recommend cataract removal surgery.
  • Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye) - Conjunctivitis, better known as pinkeye, is an inflammation or infection of the conjunctiva, a membrane attached to the inner eyelid and the white of the eye. In addition to a pink or red appearance, the affected eye may also suffer from a watery or thick discharge, itching and swelling. Conjunctivitis may be caused by viruses, bacteria, allergic reactions or sexually-transmitted diseases. We can administer the appropriate treatment depending on the cause of your conjunctivitis, while also recommending soothing home are techniques to help the condition resolve itself.

Our Fort Worth or Lubbock Optometrist Can Help

Call The Vision Center at (806) 793-1927 to schedule a routine eye exam or a consultation regarding a particular eye condition. We can help you protect from vision against eye diseases!