Dry Eye FAQs

Dry Eye FAQs Answered By The Vision Center

Dry eye syndrome might not be the most recognized eye condition, but it is surely becoming a more common issue that people are facing in the world today. Our optometry experts are here to answer the most typical questions that people have about dry eye concerns. If Dry Eye is affecting you, contact The Vision Center with offices in Dallas, Fort Worth, Lubbock, and McKinney.


1. What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Every time you blink, lubrication is restored between the eyelid and the lens of your eye. This washes away dust and debris to protect our eyes, but when this natural lubrication dries up, the eyes suffer the consequences and can feel gritty and blurred vision can result.

2. What Causes Dry Eye?

Any number of issues can contribute to having dry eyes. Aging, excessive screen time behind the computer or phone, global pollution, medications, and high winds can cause dry eye. Our optometry team can help discern between medical challenges that cause dry eye versus those stemming from natural issues.

3. Is Dry Eye Syndrome Common?

We face high winds and desert conditions, so it is a bit more common for those residing here to have dry eye syndrome. However, nationwide more than half of the adults over the age of 40 suffer from dry eyes at some point.

4. What are the Most Common Symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome?

If your eyes feel like they are randomly burning, if there are any signs of itchiness and aching, then the chances of having dry eye might be elevated. Any signs of discomfort indicate it is time to schedule an appointment with our optometry specialists.

5. What Causes of Dry Eye Syndrome?

The loss of fluid in our aging bodies is the most common cause of dry eye syndrome. However, certain bacterial infections that allow foreign microorganisms to enter the eye, which will typically require intervention from an optometrist.

6. What are Typical Treatments for Dry Eyes?

Our optometry specialists may recommend specific lubricants or warm compress packs for the eyes that are minimally invasive. However, for more severe cases, we might advise a moderate procedure that involves installing punctual plugs that help the eye maintain a solid balance of fluids.

7. Is Wearing Contacts an Option with Dry Eye Syndrome?

Thanks to technological advances, there are contact lenses that allow for a good flow of fluid to the eyes. Generally, these are soft contact lenses that fit over the entire surface of the cornea to prevent excessive fluid loss.

We Are Ready to Meet Your Eye Care Needs at The Vision Center

If you live in Dallas, Fort Worth, Lubbock, McKinney, or the surrounding area, and have been dealing with dry eyes, our optometry team at The Vision Center is here to assist you. Contact us today online or call 806-793-1927 to find the eye care specialist nearest to you.