Why Are Eye Exams Important?

Why Are Eye Exams Important?

You may think that an eye exam is the least of your health checkup concerns, but an eye exam is about far more than just checking to see if you need new glasses. No matter how old you may be or what your physical health is, an eye exam performed by our optometrist in Lubbock, Texas is incredibly beneficial to your overall health and well-being. Here at The VisionCenter of West Texas, we offer comprehensive eye exams and we want to make sure you understand the importance of these exams as our patient.

How Often Should You Really Get an Eye Exam?

We recommend that all of our patients get eye exams in Lubbock Texas annually, but more often if you experience problems or changes in your vision. It is especially important for children to have their eyes examined early and with every new birthday to watch for developing vision problems or eye conditions. A child's learning and development process is directly linked to vision. However, adults should also be tentative to their visual health, as there are some health conditions that may show in the health of the eye first, such as diabetes or high blood pressure.

What Are Some Things That You Should Expect to be Checked for During an Eye Exam?

When you get a comprehensive eye exam with The VisionCenter of West Texas, our optometrist will use a myriad of testing procedures and observations to examine your eyes. Some of the things that the doctor will be looking at include:

  • Astigmatism
  • Focusing issues
  • Strabismus, usually called crossed or lazy eye
  • Eye diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma
  • Refractive errors that could be affecting your visual perception
  • Signs of other bodily issues and diseases

Get to Know Us at The VisionCenter of West Texas

If you are looking for an optometrist in Lubbock, Texas who can offer comprehensive vision exams and visual care for the entire family, The VisionCenter of West Texas welcomes you to our offices. Give us a call to schedule an appointment or get more information from a friendly staff member.