Macular Degeneration

Your Lubbock Optometrist for Macular Degeneration

If you are suffering from vision loss, it’s possible you have macular degeneration. This serious and progressive disease is the foremost reason for vision loss in the United States, and affects millions of people. There’s no reason to let it get any worse than it already has, however. Instead, know the facts and the signs, and get the help you need today.

woman getting treated for macular degeneration in Lubbock

What Is Macular Degeneration?

Macular degeneration is a disorder in which the central part of the retina deteriorates over time, leading to impaired vision that causes normal daily activity – such as reading or driving – to become difficult or untenable. Eventually you may not be able to recognize faces or see color, so it can get very serious indeed. Because this part of the retina (known as the macula) is responsible for focusing, many parts of daily life can quickly become impossible.

Signs of Macular Degeneration

The main signs of macular degeneration include blurry vision, distortions at the center of your vision, lines bending, dark areas, white spots, diminished or different perception of color and general vision difficulty. The good news is that macular degeneration can be treated in a variety of ways, including with injections into the eye, laser therapy and vitamins.

Your Trusted Lubbock Optometrist Can Help

The VisionCenter of West Texas is your trusted Lubbock optometrist, and can help you with every aspect of optometry and eye care. Under the leadership of Drs. Reber, Riley Fallin and Dunham, our skilled team aims to provide a high standard of care for individuals and families, whether that’s treating a serious disease or just ensuring proper development in little ones. We've been a trusted resource for optometry services and eye care products in the Lubbock community since 1991.

We are located at:

3104 Indiana Ave

Lubbock, TX 79410

If you would like to set up an appointment to ask our Lubbock optometrist about macular degeneration or any other eye issue, please call 806-793-1927 or set up an appointment by emailing us. We would love to see you and help you reach peak eye health today.