
Retinal Detachment

Your Optometrist at Oxford Optometry Diagnoses and Treats Retinal Detachment

If your optometrist attributes vision problems to retinal detachment, this means your retina has separated from underlying tissue that holds it in position within the interior of your eye. Retinal detachment also isolates retinal cells from blood vessels providing nourishment and oxygen to the retina, making early diagnosis and treatment of retinal detachment essential for preventing serious or permanent vision loss. As an eye care patient at Oxford Optometry, your comprehensive vision care program includes an examination of eye components such as the retina, macula and the optic nerve to ensure early diagnosis of retinal detachment as well as other ocular disorders and diseases.

your optometrist at oxford optometry treats retinal detachment

Symptoms of Retinal Detachment

The first sign of a possible retinal detachment is the appearance of flashers and floaters or specks of flashing lights and shadowy spots in your field of vision. Most of the time, flashers and floaters are the result of the vitreous gel (clear gel filling the space between the retina and the eye's lens) separating from the retina. Posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a fairly common eye problem requiring no treatment. However, PVD may increase the risk of retinal detachment or formation of a macular hole. If your Woodstock optometrist discovers PVD during your vision care appointment, regular eye exams will be important to monitor any progression of your PVD.

Other signs of retinal detachment include:

  • Noticing shadows appearing in your periphery vision that may disappear and reappear randomly
  • Significant increase in flashers and floaters
  • Seeing a gray "shade" or opaque curtain intermittently crossing your vision field
  • Sudden decrease in overall vision (both periphery and forward vision field)

One or more of these symptoms should be evaluated by a qualified Doctor of Optometry as soon as possible to avoid vision impairment.

Who is at Risk for Retinal Detachment?

If you have moderate to severe nearsightedness (myopia), uveitis (chronic eye inflammation), thinning of retinal edges (lattice degeneration) or use eye drops for glaucoma, you may be at risk for retinal detachment. Trauma to the eye, cataract surgery and people with advanced diabetes are also at risk for suffering retinal detachment. If you are at risk, consider seeing your Oxford Optometry eye doctor every six months for complete vision care.

How is Retinal Detachment Treated?

A vitrectomy is the most common procedure for repairing a retinal detachment. While under local anesthesia, your Woodstock eye doctor will make tiny openings in the sclera (the white part of your eye) to position ophthalmological tools necessary for reattaching the retina. If retinal holes or tears exist, cryotherapy or lasers may be needed to close holes or tears. During a vitrectomy, the vitreous gel is replaced with a special type of gas that repositions a displaced retina by refilling the eye. Eventually, this gas is absorbed by the eye and replaced by natural fluids.

Call Oxford Optometry in Woodstock, ON Today!

Even if you aren't at risk for retinal detachment, you could still suffer retinal tears or holes that may lead to retinal detachment. Schedule an appointment with our optometrist for a complete eye and vision examination today by calling Oxford Optometry in Woodstock, ON at 519-421-3303.

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