
(907) 562-2020

Common Causes of Vision Loss

Vision Loss

Vision loss inhibits you from seeing the world around you as you want. You may be limited in the activities you can participate in. For some people, limited vision restricts their ability to drive and affects their independence in other ways. We have some insight into the common causes of vision loss to help you better understand your case. Here are some of the common reasons for vision loss that our optometrist at Edward Bancroft, OD and Palmer Vision Clinic, serving Anchorage and the general vicinity, sees.


Cataracts are a condition that causes clouding over the lens of your eye. It can lead to some degree of blindness if left untreated. In the more serious cases, you can become legally blind from the condition if left untreated. Generally, in the early stages, vision correction through prescription eyewear is enough. Sometimes, you will need a procedure to remove the clouded lens.

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy occurs in the retina. When you have an uncontrolled glucose level, it can damage the blood vessels that service the retina in your eye. As a result, you develop issues with your retina. A standard eye exam isn't enough to diagnose this condition. Instead, we use a dilation exam using eyedrops to expand the pupil. Our eye doctor then uses a special magnifying device to get a look at the retina.

Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment occurs when the retina in the back of the eye separates from the rest of the eye. It may cause you to see flashing lights or floaters. You may lose part of your peripheral vision. Sometimes, a shadow will form over your vision. If you leave this problem untreated, it can cause blindness. Macular degeneration and glaucoma are also common causes of vision loss and we can detect these through our eye health portion of your eye exam.

Contact Our Eye Doctor in Anchorage and Palmer, AK

If you feel like you may have one of these eye conditions, it is time to schedule a comprehensive eye exam at Edward Bancroft, OD and Palmer Vision Clinic. Call our Anchorage office today at (907) 562-2020 or our Palmer office at 907-745-4373.


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