Contact Lenses FAQs

Contact lenses are a common way to correct vision, but first-time users often have a lot of questions about contact lenses. If you're interested in wearing contact lenses, visit Burcham Eyecare Center to see our optometrist in Aurora for a contact lens exam. We can tell you whether you are a good candidate to wear contact lenses. 


How Old Do You Have to Be to Wear Contact Lenses?

There is no one specific age, but many optometrists have their own idea about whether a child is old enough for contacts. It often comes down to the optometrist and the parent talking about the maturity of the child and whether he or she is ready for the responsibility.

How Do You Take Care of Contacts?

In general, they are removed nightly and soaked in a cleansing solution that will disinfect them and keep them ready for the next morning. The particulars may vary slightly depending on the manufacturer of the lens as well as the lens type. Some contacts require little to no care. These are dailies, and they are simply thrown away at the end of the day.

How Long Can You Wear Contacts?

Other than dailies, which are worn for only one day, there are lenses that are made to last for different periods. The major differences in soft contacts are whether the contacts are disposable or not. The choice between them often comes down to the type of contacts you need, your lifestyle, and how often you want to change them. Rigid, gas-permeable lenses can be worn for even longer periods. Disposable lenses come in daily and two-week varieties. Daily-wear contacts are taken out every night while you sleep. There are extended-wear lenses that can be worn around the clock for either 7 days or 30, depending on the type.

What Happens After They've Been Fitted?

If you are doing well with your contacts, simply continue to care for them as our optometrist recommended. If it is your first time wearing contacts, you will likely need to come back for another visit after the first week. This is to check your lenses and make sure you aren't experiencing eye irritation or dry eye. Problems like dry eye may indicate that you need a different type of lens. 

Schedule Your Eye Exam Today!

Making the switch from glasses to contacts starts with an eye exam. If you live in or around Aurora, CO, and you’d like to schedule an eye exam with our optometrist, Dr. Takara, call Burcham Eyecare Center today at (303) 340-4600.


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