Regular examinations, based on the specific recommendations of our eye doctor, are imperative for maintaining healthy eyes and good vision. In order to encourage you to schedule those exams, we try our best to make it easy for you to use your vision insurance benefits and will gladly assist you with your insurance documentation.
Insurance Coverage
Because not all vision and eye care coverage is the same, we ask that you bring your insurance card or your extended coverage document with you to your initial appointment so that we can confirm applicable benefits.
MSP Coverage – What is covered by the Medical Services Plan?
- A child under 19 -- With a valid BC Care or Services Card, a comprehensive examination is partially covered once every 12 months.
- Seniors over 65 -- Partial coverage for a once-a-year exam is provided under the plan. Assessment for vision and prescription of corrective lenses is included, as is a complete eye health assessment.
- Adults between 19 and 64 -- Typically, routine examination coverage is not included for this age group. However, if an exam is considered medically necessary because of cataracts, glaucoma, diabetes or certain other conditions, you may qualify for partial coverage for an examination every 6-12 months.
Extended Coverage
Your Extended Health Benefits may cover all or a portion of the exam fee. Please consult your health benefits provider before your appointment to determine your coverage for eye exams and we will provide you with a detailed receipt to submit for your claims or will bill your insurer directly if possible.
Maple Ridge Eye Care will bill the following providers directly for services:
- Alberta Blue Cross
- Blue Cross
- Canada Life
- Chambers of Commerce
- Claim Secure
- The Co-operators
- D. A. Townley
- Desjardins
- Empire Life
- Equitable Life
- First Canadian
- GMS 49
- GMS 50
- Great-West Life
- Green Shield
- Group Health
- GroupSource
- Industrial Alliance
- Johnson Inc.
- Johnston Group Inc.
- La Capitale
- Manion
- Manulife
- Maximum
- Medavie Blue Cross
- Pacific Blue Cross
- nexgenRx
- Rwam
- SSQ Insurance
- Standard Life
- Sunlife
- UV Insurance
If you have other insurance coverage, you will be required to pay for your examination and then it is your responsibility to submit your receipt and any insurance forms to your provider for reimbursement. We will help you by completing any "service provider" forms that may be required, so please bring the form(s) with you to your examination.
Do you have questions about eye care, prescriptions or eye diseases for our optometrist in Maple Ridge? We stand ready to help you in any way we can, whether that means helping to unscramble your insurance coverage or fitting you with glasses to better see the world around you.