Smoking And Eye Health: Side Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes
We all know that smoking is bad for your health. It causes cardiovascular problems, emphysema and lung cancer, but did you know it can also speed the advancement of certain eye diseases and cause vision loss?
Smoking and Eye Health
Smoking can cause various eye diseases and ailments, including cataracts, AND, dry eye and vision loss, and the risk for these diseases increases with age and the number of cigarettes smoked. It also decreases cardiovascular health, which can indirectly affect your eyes and vision. If you are a smoker, who already has vision problems and diseases, smoking can greatly speed the progress of your existing eye conditions.
For individuals that inhale second hand smoke, it can cause temporary dry eye and eye irritation, including excessive watering and bloodshot eyes. The effects of second hand smoke are even worse on children. It can affect the way their tear ducts work and cause dry eye and chronic bloodshot eyes.
Benefits of Quitting Smoking for Your Eyes
The good news is that quitting smoking today can decrease your chances of acquiring eye diseases and vision loss and greatly improve your health. The American Cancer Society states that 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure lowers. After 12 hours without a cigarette, the carbon monoxide in your blood decreases to normal levels, and after two weeks, your lung function and circulation improves. The benefits of stopping smoking continually increase the longer you abstain.
If you are a smoker, you should schedule an eye exam with our optometrists to check for early signs of eye disease and vision loss. We perform both glasses and contact lens examinations for Maple Ridge and the surrounding areas, and can check and treat dry eye and acute and chronic eye irritation. We also offer vision therapy and emergency eye services.
Did you know that smoking increases your chances of acquiring certain eye diseases?