Diplopia FAQs

Your Optometrist in New Hyde Park Answers Your Questions about Diplopia

Diplopia is double vision. Every doctor of optometry sees patients with diplopia nearly every day. Diplopia is usually an easily treatable condition, but there are some basics about therapy for the condition that Dr. Stuart Krasnoff, your optometrist in at Village Optical in New Hyde Park, NY, wants you to know. Here are the answers to frequently asked questions from your eye doctor.


Is "double vision" something you experience in one eye or both eyes?

Diplopia can occur in just one eye or in both eyes. Monocular diplopia is double vision in just one eye. If you cover the bad eye, you will have normal vision in the good eye. Monocular diplopia is usually due to a problem in the eye itself. Binocular diplopia is double vision in both eyes. It is usually due to a problem with the optic nerve or in the brain. It's more common to have double vision in both eyes than in just one eye.

What causes double vision?

Your optometrist can usually easily determine the cause of monocular diplopia. Usually the underlying problem is one of the following:

  • Severe astigmatism. Irregularities in the surface of your cornea, the outer layer of your eye, sends double images to the back of your eye.
  • Cataract. The lens of your eye slowly becomes opaque. This leads to cloudy vision and double vision.
  • Dry eye. Your eye isn't making enough fluids, so the constant irritation makes it hard to focus.
  • Keratoconus. The surface of your cornea begins to form a cone, which distorts light coming through it.
  • Pterygium. A fleshy growth, which is not cancerous, that begins to grow over the surface of your cornea.

Binocular diplopia, double vision in both eyes, is usually a complication of diabetes, nerve damage, an autoimmune condition called myasthenia gravis, or cranial nerve palsy in adults. In children, double vision is most often caused by strabismus or crossed eyes.

Is double vision something I need to get treated right away?

When double vision comes on suddenly, it is always a reason to make an appointment with your eye doctor as soon as possible, especially if it occurs in both eyes. You may need immediate care to prevent permanent loss of vision. However, even if you have symptoms in just one eye, it's always a good idea to call your doctor of optometry.

Dr. Krasnoff at Village Optical in New Hyde Park, NY, Is Here to Help

Village Optical is here to help you maintain good vision. Everybody needs regular checkups with their optician with referrals for appropriate therapy as needed. Request an appointment with Dr. Krasnoff at Village Optical online, or call us at 516-352-2316. Our offices are located at 1562 Union Turnpike, New Hyde Park, NY, 11040.


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