Contact Lenses for Astigmatism

Contact Lenses for Astigmatism

Contrary to popular belief, there are contact lenses for astigmatism. And the experts at Overlake EyeCare in Bellevue can help. As the leading vision center in the Bellevue area, we offer a range of different contact lenses for correcting astigmatism. Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about your options for contact lenses. In the meantime, continue reading to learn more about contact lenses for astigmatism.


What Is Astigmatism?

Astigmatism is an eye condition where your cornea is shaped irregularly. This condition can cause blurred vision, headaches, and discomfort. Many people who have astigmatism also suffer from farsightedness and nearsightedness.

An eye without astigmatism is round, similar to a basketball. For people with astigmatism, the surface of the eye is shaped like a football, which makes it more difficult for the eye to focus light. Fortunately, astigmatism can be corrected with eyeglasses and specialty contact lenses. The type of contact lenses we will prescribe to you will greatly depend on the type of astigmatism you have. We will work closely with you to determine which of the below types of contact lenses will be best for your eyes.

Toric Contact Lenses

Conventional contact lenses are designed to have a spherical surface. If you have astigmatism, however, these lenses will not work for your eye. Because of this, those with astigmatism may use toric lenses.

In contrast to standard contact lenses, toric lenses have a geometric shape similar to a donut. The shape of toric contact lenses creates a variety of focusing, or refractive, powers on the horizontal and vertical orientations. This focusing power results in the refractive strength gradually decreasing or increasing as you move around the lenses. Because toric contact lenses are a specialized and complex design, they may be more expensive than traditional contact lenses.

Gas Permeable Contact Lenses

Gas permeable lenses are also an option if you have astigmatism. These lenses are made from rigid materials and will usually be thicker than soft toric contact lenses. Instead of working to fit the shape of your cornea, gas permeable lenses retain their firm spherical shape to compensate for the irregularities of your eye. Although these lenses are very effective for a number of people, many complain about their comfortability.

Hybrid Contact Lenses

If you're looking for the best of both worlds, hybrid contact lenses may fit the bill. They effectively combine the elements of gas permeable lenses with toric contacts. Hybrid lenses have a central rigid gas permeable zone that is circumferenced by a soft material. This provides the exceptional clarity of gas permeable lenses with the all-day comfort of toric lenses. Also, these lenses are less likely to be knocked out during sports or similar activities because they have a wider lens diameter.

Contact Overlake EyeCare Today

If you have astigmatism, the experts at Overlake EyeCare in Bellevue can and will help. Contact Overlake EyeCare today by calling 425-643-2020.

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