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Eye Infections

Every year, our eye doctor treats various cases of eye infections, including bacterial, fungal, and viral infections. No matter the cause of your infection, it is crucial to get treatment quickly to prevent the infection from spreading. Without care, your infection could lead to permanent vision loss. Gregg Family Eye Care serves many residents in Secane, PA. If you think you have an infection, it is important that you call our optometry team for more information. Here's what every patient should know about eye infections.


Types of Eye Infections

There are many different types of eye infections, each one requiring personalized care. Some of the most common eye infections include:

  • Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is one of the most common eye infections. It may be linked to allergies, but the inflammation can become chronic.
  • Keratitis is the inflammation of the cornea, which is the outer layer of the eye. Wearing contaminated contact lenses and eye injuries can lead to keratitis, which can cause permanent vision loss without treatment.
  • Endophthalmitis is an infection of the tissue or fluid in the eyes. Symptoms include redness, pain, and sensitivity to light.
  • Cellulitis is a bacterial or fungal infection that causes bulging of the eye, redness, swelling, and changes in vision.
  • Blepharitis is the inflammation of the eyelid itself. Other symptoms include watery eyes, burning eyes, and flaky skin around the eyes.

Pinpointing the cause of the infection and examining the symptoms closely is vital for understanding which treatment will work best for you.

Diagnosis of Eye Infections

Our eye doctor will likely diagnose your infection after conducting a thorough eye exam. During the exam, you should report all symptoms to our optometrist to ensure that nothing is overlooked. From there, we can recommend the appropriate treatment for you.

Eye Infection Treatment

Treatment may involve antibiotics if you are living with a bacterial infection. We may prescribe eye drops or a topical cream for your eyelid. Your eyes may also benefit from special contact lenses, which can prevent future infections from occurring.

Visit Us for Your Next Eye Exam from Our Optometrist in Secane, PA

Gregg Family Eye Care in Secane, PA, can provide treatment for eye infections and more. We are dedicated to helping our patient preserve their vision and prevent serious eye-related issues from occurring. If you are tired of dealing with infections and other eye ailments, call our office to schedule an appointment with our optometrist.