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5 Signs You Might Have Eye Cataracts

When most people think of cataracts, they correlate it with age and senior eye care, but age is not the only factor. Other factors can cause cataracts at any age, including eye disease, eye injury, or other medical issues. At Gregg Family Eye Care in Secane, we will work with you to understand the symptoms, causes, and tests for cataracts.

Causes of Cataracts

Cataracts are a condition where the eye lens becomes cloudy, and things appear hazy, blurry, or not as colorful as they should be. Since the most common cause of cataracts is age, senior eye care is essential. Beginning at the age of 40, you may experience regular eye changes resulting from the breakdown of proteins. The protein builds up in the lens, making it cloudy. It prevents light from coming through clearly and may cause slight vision loss. If you have cataracts, you may not experience vision problems right away.

5 Signs of Cataracts

  1. Blurred vision: Vision that is blurred or cloudy is a hallmark symptom of cataracts and is likely to worsen over time.
  2. Increased sensitivity to light: Cataracts cause light to scatter when it comes to the eye, making it feel extremely sensitive.
  3. Double vision: If left untreated, a cataract that continues to grow can cause double vision. It does this by warping the light entering the eye and creating duplicate vision.
  4. Difficulty reading small print: The lens of your eye is comprised of proteins and water. Cataracts cause the proteins to bunch up, distorting your ability to read smaller print.
  5. Difficulty driving at night: Cataracts cause the vision to darken or appear dim, making it even more challenging to drive at night.

Contact Us for an Eye Exam from Our Optometrist in Secane, PA

If you suspect you have cataracts, contact us at Gregg Family Eye Care to provide you with quality eye health services. Our optometrist is committed to ensuring every patient's comfort and satisfaction. If you live in or around Secane, call us at 610-543-1219 to see how we can help.