Blended Approach To Weight Loss

A Blended Approach to Weight Loss

At Vitality Health & Wellness Center we understand that losing weight can be quite a challenge. Many of our patients in Southeastern Wisconsin, Milwaukee and the surrounding communities have struggled with weight issues for their entire lives. They try one diet and experience some success but, as soon as the diet is done, they find themselves slipping back into old lifestyle habits again.

Our diet center believes that the reason most people fail with generic diets is because there is no one single weight loss plan that is exactly right for everybody. Each patient’s body type, reason for gaining weight, metabolism, and lifestyle are different, and deserve a unique treatment approach. When you come to Vitality Health & Wellness seeking to lose weight, the first thing we will do is evaluate your current health condition to determine what you are capable of doing in your present state. Then we will discuss your personal weight management goals so that, together, we can develop a drug-free solution that will help you lose weight and maintain maximum health.

Based on your unique needs and capabilities, Dr. Arthur Rapkin may blend together several forms of treatment to help you in your weight loss program. Some patients might benefit from a course of treatment that includes the age-old art of acupuncture, while others might respond faster to modern-day treatments such as detox, purification, and acupuncture.

Weight Loss That Focuses on Your Health

Our weight loss treatment plans are blended and individualized to each patient's specific needs, which allows us to create unique plans to maximize patient results. We work to develop a plan that will reset your hypothalamus and pituitary gland, which will in turn supercharge your metabolism. The purpose of this is to change the way your body regulates weight.

We may begin by using acupuncture or cold laser treatments to reboot your brain and stimulate the hypothalamus to draw calories out of the fat banks which are stored in your belly, thighs and buttocks. This may be combined with supplements  to help burn fat. These treatments can help spur your body to deplete its fat banks more effectively when triggered by just the simple exercise of walking 30-45 minutes per day.

Once our weight loss program has helped to eliminate food cravings and normalize your metabolism, you’ll begin to notice weight loss in addition to some other surprising benefits. Many patients report increases in their libido and sexual functioning, along with improved memory function and quality of sleep. This is a total body transformation, with results that will last a lifetime.

If you’re tired of those “one size fits all” weight loss plans, contact Vitality Health & Wellness Center of WI. Watch our free obesity and weight loss workshop online here and find out whether our blended approach to weight loss is right for you. Wellness awaits you - get started on your journey today with Vitality Health & Wellness.


Office Hours


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appt. Only


1:00 pm-6:00 pm





