Milwaukee Services

Improving Health Through Comprehensive
Wellness Services

At Vitality Health & Wellness Center, our wellness team offers comprehensive services to help naturally manage pain, lose weight, and support whole body wellness. These services include acupuncture, laser therapy, anti-aging, and purification. By combining this healing modality with cutting-edge contemporary wellness techniques, we help enhance all aspects of our patients’ well-being. Maximum vitality is our goal!

Elm Grove Pain Management & Vitality Weight Loss Programs

Mens Health WisconsinAcupuncture is an effective treatment for chronic pain conditions and a variety of different health problems. Our director and leading Milwaukee acupuncturists Dr. Arthur Rapkin has over 30 years of experience treating more than 100,000 patients for a variety of different health problems, including chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia and headaches. In addition to pain management, this natural healing art that can help with fertility treatments, combat the effects of aging, and relieve many common ailments.

Our low-level AcuLaser pain therapy is a painless, needle-free alternative to traditional acupuncture treatments. Cold laser therapy treatments deliver many of the same vitality benefits, but without the needles. These treatments are completely painless and highly effective. Light energy from a low-level laser is absorbed by the cells and converted into biochemical energy that supports cellular function. Laser therapy supports chronic pain management by reducing inflammation, decreasing swelling, increasing circulation and speeding the healing process. If you are struggling to lose weight and keep off the pounds, we can help. Our wellness center has helped hundreds of patients safely lose weight fast.

Mens Health WisconsinWe create custom weight loss plans for each patient, addressing their unique wellness needs. We integrate a variety of different techniques into each plan. For example, we may combine our highly-effective weight loss programs with detox and purification, and natural supplements.

Detox and purification programs cleanse the body, resetting the metabolism and preparing the body for long-term weight loss success. Together with all-natural nutritional supplements, these treatment techniques help patients make lifestyle changes that support long-term weight loss success. Not only do our patients lose weight, but they also enjoy more energy, sleep better at night, and are able to live a healthy, active lifestyle.

Our anti-aging services are based on scientific research and integrate three key anti-aging techniques to help slow the cellular aging process. This three-pronged approach includes hormone balancing, dietary management, and lifestyle changes. Many patients begin noticing age-related changes starting as early as 30 years of age. Symptoms include fatigue, loss of mental acuity, a lack of stamina, difficulty sleeping, pain, headaches, pain in the joints, loss of sexual function Libido, and weight gain. These symptoms may be indicative of a hormone imbalance. Dietary and lifestyle changes are designed to enhance your vitality and part of our wellness approach. We also offer wellness coaching services to help you integrate these changes into your daily life.

At Vitality Health & Wellness Center, we are passionate about helping all people live their best possible lives. Ready to unlock the key to good health? Visit us today!


Office Hours


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appt. Only


1:00 pm-6:00 pm





