Milwaukee Hcg Weight Loss

Lose Weight with Our Milwaukee Weight Loss & Diet Program

Are you trying to lose weight but can’t seem to shed the excess pounds? Do you feel like you’re trapped in someone else’s body? Our Milwaukee weight loss experts can help. Our individualized diet program can deliver dramatic results for patients in just weeks. While individual results will vary based on the specific medical needs of the patient, our patients usually see dramatic results in just the first section of their treatment, with continued weight loss throughout the course of the whole treatment.

Weight Loss Success Starts by Resetting Your Metabolism

Men's Weight Loss MilwaukeeThese images are real patients who have achieved great success. While your individual results will vary based on your overall health and lifestyle our doctors and medical team will work with you to design a treatment plan to maximize your results in a safe and effective manner.

The key to our weight loss programs is to reset the hypothalamus and pituitary gland to supercharge your metabolism and change the way your body regulates weight. Decades of poor eating habits, ingrained in us since birth may have destroyed the body’s ability to regulate weight. Just take a look at our modern diet: it’s packed with preservatives, artificial ingredients, sugar and sodium – and devoid of real nutritional value. After decades of filling our bodies with fake food, it is no surprise that we are overweight, constantly stressed, fatigued, and chronically ill. Our Milwaukee nutritionist can help you hit the “reset” button, lose weight and change your life.

Women's Weight Loss MilwuakeeOur diet program works because we put the power of high-tech supplements and scientific research to work for your body. Our advanced, medically sound supplements include antler extract, Lipotropic, and herbal formulas that fire up the body’s metabolism. These supplements safely upgrade pituitary output and adrenal functions while putting the brakes on aging.

Acupuncture and cold laser treatments reboot the brain, aiming to trigger the hypothalamus to draw out 3000-3500 calories, up to a pound per day, out of the fat banks located in the belly, thighs and buttocks. By combining acupuncture and cold laser with lifestyle updates we have helped thousands of patients see real success.

While there are many  weight loss programs offered on the internet, we are a full service health and wellness medically supervised practice. We are the premier weight loss clinic in Milwaukee and South East Wisconsin. Once you experience a team of providers all working on your behalf you will agree that there is no other health and weight loss center like it. All patients are seen by are medical specialists and evaluated individually to construct the process that will produce the desired results.

Our weight loss program can help to normalize your metabolism, eliminate food cravings, blast off belly fat, remove fat from the liver, increase libido and sexual function, and improve memory and sleep quality. This is not simply a “lose weight quick program” to get you in shape for swimsuit season; our program is aimed at a total body transformation inside and out while giving you the information you need to make lifestyle changes that can last a lifetime.

With the right program, attitude and lifestyle long-term medical weight loss is possible. Yo-yo dieting starves the body of vital nutrients, causing you to pack on the pounds as soon as you stop dieting. This is why you lose a few pounds only to gain them all back, and then some. There is a better way. Our Milwaukee nutritionist will help you get off the weight loss roller coaster, putting scientifically effective strategies to work for your body.

Are you ready to lose weight and keep off the pounds? Our weight loss workshops are a great way to learn more about our high tech supplementation program, acupuncture and cold laser therapy program. Embrace the new you – contact our wellness center today!


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1:00 pm-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appt. Only


1:00 pm-6:00 pm





