Premier Weight Loss Clinic in Milwaukee

scale with measuring tape, dumbbell, apple, and granola

Premier Weight Loss Clinic in Milwaukee: Vitality Health and Wellness

Vitality Health and Wellness, conveniently located in Milwaukee, combines Traditional Chinese Medicine therapies with modern medical techniques to create long-lasting weight loss success. Our holistic protocol involves deeply understanding a person’s underlying issues in order to create an individualized plan that allows you to heal naturally from within. Vitality Health and Wellness boasts a warm and welcoming environment, with a team of highly skilled wellness coaches that facilitates weight loss with a drug-free, effective protocol.

Services Offered at Vitality Health and Wellness

You don’t have to suffer from extra weight and the symptoms that can accompany weight issues. We offer a variety of comprehensive services, including acupuncture, pain management, weight loss, infertility issues, laser therapy, lipotropic services and anti-aging treatment.

Vitality Health and Wellness is a one-stop shop for your healthcare needs. We start off your healthy lifestyle plan with a 10-day purification cleanse to remove excess toxins and reset your metabolism. Our team then helps you nurture healthy eating habits to rejuvenate your body and lose weight. Our plans may also include HCG and other natural nutritional supplements, designed to aid in a fast fat loss while keeping lean muscle.

Benefits of Weight Loss

Besides the superficial benefits, you’ll find that your health and wellbeing will also soar with our customized programs. Patients discover that they have more energy, better skin, sleep better at night and can easily live a more active life. We balance your hormones, reduce joint pain, headaches and inflammation and increase your libido, fertility, and circulation.

What Sets Vitality Health and Wellness Apart

At Vitality Health and Wellness, we don’t want to mask your symptoms, we want to delve into the root causes to create and maximize your optimal health. We want to partner with you on your journey and provide you with proven weight loss strategies and services as well as support and encouragement along the way. Start living a healthier, revitalized life today with our Milwaukee weight loss clinic, Vitality Health and Wellness. 

For more information, call our office at 262-827-4000.



Office Hours


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


1:00 pm-6:00 pm


By Appt. Only


1:00 pm-6:00 pm





