Treating Diabetes with Alternative Medicine

Adult onset Diabetes is a horrific disease that we create and we can avoid by understanding how and why it is so prevalent. We manufacture the disease within ourselves with our diet. One out of three children will develop adult onset Diabetes by age 10. These children will not outlive their parents. Diabetes, affecting up to one-third of the population of industrialized countries, is fast becoming a catastrophe. Long-term complications of diabetes mellitus involve disorders of the eyes, kidneys, nerves, and blood vessels. Due to the widespread prevalence of diabetes and the severity of its complications, extensive research and development efforts are underway to find more effective remedies to improve the quality of life of those affected. Of course this means more drugs will come to market. What would be the motivation to cure this Disease?
To treat Diabetes is to buy into the theory that we should focus on the condition and not the individual. Why not? To focus on the person who has the condition is the opposite of treatment of disease. This would require a new set of guiding principles; nourish, cultivate and support.

Case Study

Sara age 45, came to me to lose weight. She stated that she had adult onset Diabetes diagnosed for 5 years. She was taking 2 medications to manage her Diabetes as well as medication for her acid-reflux, depression, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I treated her with a course of treatments that included, acupuncture, Chinese herbs and a change to her diet. Within 3 months she lost over 40 pounds and stopped taking all medications. Her acid-reflux stopped occurring, her blood pressure and cholesterol fell within normal range and anti-depressants were no longer necessary. She is elated with her new health and her new body. She donated 3 large garbage bags full of clothing to charity. She has gone down 3 sizes and loves to shop and try on new outfits that she never could wear before. She used to express little to no emotion and now she is always smiling. She is cured from living a life with Diabetes and relying on dangerous medications to try and manage a condition that she was causing herself by the way she was eating.

Lets stop the madness! When was the last time your doctor asked you exactly what you ate for breakfast? Did your health care provider ever tell you what to do and what not to do for breakfast, lunch or dinner? No! You know why? Theres no money in it. The way medicine is practiced; the focus is on where the money is at, drugs and surgeries. This is referred to as treatment of disease. There just is no money in prevention of disease or cultivating health.

How to avoid Diabetes? First off, eat like your great grandparents did. Eat foods that are produced by the earth for nourishment, not man for profit. Shop the perimeter of the grocery store, vegetables, fruits, meat, chicken and fish. Stay away from the middle of the store where most of the products manufactured by man lie. Stop buying dangerous ingredients! Purchase only products that are hormone free and free of antibiotics. Read the labels, it will tell you if the chicken or meat is free of these chemicals. Growth hormones have estrogen in them and will eventually cause Diabetes and Cancers as well. Do not eat products that use corn syrup or other corn derivatives. Do not choose products that have many ingredients listed that you cannot pronounce. There is a difference between a carrot and a Cheerio. Remember, Cheetos are not really food!

If you have Diabetes and would like to treat yourself using foods and herbal remedies I recommend you to get my diet plan. You will receive the information necessary to restore your health and cure your Diabetes. Certainly you would agree that if there were something you can do for your health that you are not currently doing you would want to know about it. Also, if there is something you are doing that is bad for you and promoting Diabetes and other diseases within your body, you would want to stop it immediately. I urge you to learn how to plant, nourish, cultivate and support your health. Make your health a priority.


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