Fructose Poisoning and Its Effects on Your Body

Fructose Poisoning and Its Effects on Your Body

What Can Fructose Do to You?

One of the most common ingredients in the modern diet is also one that often goes unnoticed -- and yet this ubiquitous substance causes serious health problems and is no doubt contributing to the worldwide obesity epidemic. This substance is fructose, and according to an article in the October 2013 issue of Life Extension, the danger is fructose poisoning.

Fructose is a sugar, but it acts more like a toxin, as far as your body is concerned. While naturally-occurring fructose in fruit and vegetables is not a threat, the concentrated version, high fructose corn syrup, places a huge burden on the metabolic system -- particularly the liver. The liver reacts by producing large amounts of lipids (fats) and uric acid. Meanwhile, the excessive load of sweetener floating through the bloodstream creates insulin resistance, a factor in metabolic syndrome (and eventually diabetes). This form of metabolic poisoning makes it practically impossible for your body to burn its excess weight. Fructose consumption in the U.S. has increased by 1,000 percent since the 1960s. If you struggle with obesity, fructose poisoning may be to blame.

Undo Fructose's Effects with Our HCG Programs

How can you reverse the obesity, insulin resistance and metabolic sluggishness caused by fructose poisoning? Here at Vitality Health & Wellness, our patients have enjoyed great success in doing just that through our HCG diet and weight loss programs. Our combination of HCG (human chorionic gonadotrophin) and other healthful supplements kicks your metabolism into high gear, spurring the hypothalamus in the brain to instruct your body to burn up to a pound of fat a day, safely and through normal physical processes. At the same time, we will teach you how to reduce toxins in your diet and launch a new, smarter way of eating that can help you stay slim and well for life. Contact us today and kick fructose to the curb!

Take a look in your pantry. How many items include fructose among the ingredients? Share your findings with our readers!


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