Hard To Fit Contacts FAQs

Hard To Fit Contacts FAQs and Answers at Our Southwest Orlando Eye Care in Orlando, FL

Contact lenses can always be a bit tricky to fit since there are additional considerations, such as moisture and exposure to dust, that need to be factored in. Our optometrist makes sure that your eyes are healthy and that contact lens will enhance your vision in both the short and long term, taking into consideration your lifestyle.

Woman putting on contact lenses

Why Are Hard to Fit Contacts Hard to Fit?

Certain eye conditions can create special conditions in your eyes that might make them hard to fit. These commonly include:

  • Dry eyes, which may require supplementary drops, soft or gas permeable contact lenses, or even punctual plugs to retain eye moisture.
  • Astigmatism, which requires special toric contact lenses for an added layer of correction.
  • Keratoconus, where the cornea's shape is affected, in turn affecting the way contact lenses sit on your eye, often requires special scleral contact lenses, depending on the size of the bulge present. 
  • Giant papillary conjunctivitis, a condition where your eyes secrete proteins that then coat your contact lens, often requires either daily disposable contact lenses or gas permeable lenses, both of which tend to collect less protein.
  • Presbyopia might require bifocal contact lenses, which requires some additional steps in the fitting. 
  • Post-refractive surgery might not correct your vision 100%, in which case you might need some mild correction via contact lenses.

How can your optometrist fit you for comfortable contact lenses?

During your eye exam, your optometrist will evaluate you for any existing eye conditions, and present you with options tailored to meet your specific needs. Having your vision checked annually is a great way not just to optimize your eyesight, but intercept any developing conditions early on, reducing the chances for long-term damage.

What is the contact lens exam process?

Depending on your specific eye conditions, you might have additional steps to fit your eyes for contact lenses. However, the essential contact lens exam process involves:

  1. A standard eye exam, to evaluate your eye health and vision
  2. Measurement of the corneal curvature, which is particularly important for toric contact lenses
  3. Measurement of pupil or iris size
  4. Tear film evaluation, critical since excessively dry eyes may make contact lenses damaging
  5. Trial, safety and hygiene tutorial to make sure contact lenses fit right and you know how to best care for your eyes

Contact Our Southwest Orlando Eye Care in Orlando, FL For An Appointment!

Call us here at Southwest Orlando Eye Care today, and we'll work with you to take care of your vision, including looking into contact lenses as a corrective option. Your eye doctor in Orlando, FL is here for you! Call us at (407) 271-8931.


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