Ortho K

What Is Orthokeratology? 

At Eyes of Texas Vision Care, our team works closely with each patient to provide the very best level of care and individualized attention to their needs. We offer the most advanced solutions to vision limitations possible. Orthokeratology in Austin, TX is one of the services we offer. Explore how this service can improve your vision.

Woman excited to try her first pair of Ortho-K lenses.

What Is Orthokeratology?

Orthokeratology, more commonly known as Ortho-K, is a non-surgical procedure improves the vision to eliminate the need to use glasses or conventional contact lenses during the day. This process uses specialty contact lenses to reshape the cornea of the eye while you sleep. During daytime hours, your vision is crisp and clear, or at least significantly improved. Dr. Yee has been certified to perform orthokeratology.

Is Ortho K Safe?

A very common question asked by those considering this procedure is this. Is Ortho K safe for their needs? When you come in to see your optometrist in our office, we will discuss if this procedure may be a good fit for you. For those who want to use LASIK surgery, but may not be a candidate for it, this procedure may be an excellent alternative.

How Do Ortho K Contact Lenses Work?

Ortho K contact lenses are customized to meet your specific needs. They are designed to gradually and safely change the shape of the cornea, which is the clear, dome-shaped portion of the eye. The lens offers just enough pressure to change the shape to correct your vision.

A topographer is used to map your entire cornea to design custom lens for you.  The contact lens is worn nightly and its schedule will vary depending upon your prescription to maintain the ortho-k benefits.

Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Fern Yee

Could Ortho K treatment work correct your vision? For most people, the answer is yes. Call our offices to schedule a consultation for Orthokeratology in Austin TX. Learn more about how these lenses can help you to have better vision without the use of contact lenses or glasses. Call: 512-454-5117.

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