
We specialize in diagnosing all your eye problems!

If you are experiencing eye problems that are interfering with your life and need help you can trust, we're here for you. We can see you if we are not having symptoms as some medical problems can be treated before symptoms arise.

Dr. Brinegar brings more than 25 years of experience in medical testing for many eye diseases and abnormalities. Dr. Brinegar offers you certified treatment and management for all types of eye disease, and specializes in accurately detecting, diagnosing, and treating a wide range of eye conditions.

Regardless of the problems you are experiencing, we offer a comprehensive range of testing services.

Our medical testing and treatment services include:

  • Glaucoma evaluation and management
  • Cataract evaluation
  • Post-operative services including: refractive surgery, cataract surgery, laser treatments
  • Conjunctivitis (pink eye), red eye, dry eyes and abrasions
  • Foreign body removal
  • Diabetic eye exams
  • Retinal evaluation (tears and detachment, macular degeneration, diabetes, and hypertension)
  • Keratoconus and other irregular cornea; care and lens fittings
  • Ocular Hypertension treatment
  • Long-Term drug management 
  • Photographs of eyes to diagnose disease

Our eye exams help you to see your best

Whether you are a loyal patient who has been coming for years or looking for the right eye doctor for you, the caring staff at Brinegar Eye Care welcomes you to make an appointment for a comprehensive eye exam. We accept most medical and vision insurance plans.

Eye examination include:

  • Review of your pertinent personal and family medical history
  • Discussion of your concerns regarding your eyes
  • Visual acuity testing
  • Eye pressure measurement
  • Microscopic examination of external and internal eye structures
  • Discussion of findings and recommendation

Eyeglass Evaluation*

  • Determination of the focus and coordination error of your eyes
  • Prescription of corrective spectacle lenses for your personal and occupational needs

*Eyeglass lenses evaluation, or refraction, may not be covered by your medical plan. It is not a stand alone service, and must accompany an eye examination.

Contact Lens Evaluation*

Established Contact Lens Wearers

  • Microscopic evaluation of the the ocular surface for suitability of contact lens wear
  • Evaluation and modification of your current contact lens prescription
  • Two follow up visits as needed within 60 days
  • Prescription of contact lenses as appropriate at the conclusion of the services

New Contact Lens Wearers

  • Microscopic evaluation of the the ocular surface for suitability of contact lens wearers
  • Measurement and diagnostic contact lens fitting
  • Training of contact lens care, handling, insertion and removal
  • Supervision of adaptation to contact lenses
  • All follow up visits as needed within 60 days 
  • Prescription of contact lenses at the conclusion of fitting and adaptation assessment

*Contact lens evaluation is an elective service and may not be covered by your medical or vision plan. Not a stand alone service, must accompany in an eye examination. Contact lenses must be wore to the appointment unless instructed otherwise.

Pediatric Eye Care

Pediatric eye care is an important part of any child overall health. Below is a chart of when children ages 0-18 need to see an Optometrist. Remember your children are never to young to get their eye examined. We offer eye care for the whole family!

Examination Interval 

Asymptomatic/ Risk Free At Risk
At 6 months of age By 6 months of age or as recommended
At 3 years of age At 3 years of age or as recommended  
Before first grade and every two years thereafter Annually or as recommended

MaxiVison Vitamins and Supplements

Vision loss can begin before you even notice symptoms. MaxiVison products make it easy to take good care of your eyes. By providing all essential nutrients at levels that are hard to get from diet alone, MaxiVison supplements are designed to correct deficiencies that may hinder the body's natural ability to maintain eye health as we age. Many of the MaxiVision vitamins utilizes the AREDS2 (Age-Related Eye Disease Study) formula. Research has show the AREDS2 formula can help slow and in some cases reverse symptoms of disease, especially age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Below are the products we carry. For any questions about individual vitamins or ordering, contact us using the form below. 

Ocular Formula

Whole Body Formula

Maxi Tears Dry Eye Formula

Eye and Body Formula

Eye Formula

Lutein Formula

Macula Formula

Omega-3 Formula

For a difference in vision you can see, contact us today using the form below or to request an appointment use the contact us side menu.

Brinegar Eye Care, LLC


4001 E 3rd St Ste 8,
Bloomington, IN 47401


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm






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