
  • Why do doctors dilate eyes?
    • Dilation is preformed to allow the eye care professional to get the best look inside the eye. Dilation is critical in diagnosing, monitoring, and staging certain eye diseases and conditions that could potentially result in loss of vision
  • How does dilation affect you, how long do the effects last?
    • Dilation differs from person to person depending on the type of mydriatic drop used, age of the patient and how your body reacts to medications. In general, it reduces ones ability to focus, resulting in blurred vision and sensitivity to light. On average, an adult can expect these symptoms to last approximately 4 hours, while someone under the age of 18 can have symptoms anywhere from 24-48 hours. 
  • What is the difference between a routine exam and a contact lens exam?
    • A routine eye exam is necessary to monitor eye health and optimal vision. Contact lens evaluation are usually done in conjunction with a routine eye exam, though can be done on their own depending on the patients preference. A contact lens evaluation allows the eye care professional to customize the optimal fit and corrective power for your eye.
  • What are the effects of dry eyes?
    • A patient can experience dry eyes when the quantity or quality of tears fails to keep the surface of the eye adequately lubricated. Dry eyes can cause scratchy sensation, blurry vision, burning, itching, excess tearing episodes, discharge, pain, and/or redness. 
  • How do I treat dry eyes?
    • It is best to see an eye care professional to get a proper diagnosis for dry eyes. The underlying cause of dry eye vary but usually are a result of environmental, lifestyle, medication, and/or mechanical factors. Once the cause is determined a specialized care plan will be designed to best fit your needs. There are drops that range from over the counter to prescription, and in extreme cases there are other outpatient surgery options.
  • What is a visual field, do I need one?
    • A visual field is a subjective measure of central and peripheral vision. It is used to diagnose, stage and monitor glaucoma and other visual disturbances. We preform the test on certain patients who have the potential for loss of vision due to risk factors such as certain diagnoses or long-term medication. The doctor will determine if a visual field screening is necessary after a thorough examination of your eyes and medical history.
  • Do I need photographs taken of my eyes?
    • During a thorough examination of the eye; including your family/medical history and any current complaints, the doctor will determine if photographs are necessary. Photographs play a key role in finding potential risks for eye disease, and then monitoring, diagnosing, and treating eye conditions.
  • What is a refraction, do I need one?
    • A refraction is necessary diagnostic tool that assists the doctor in determining your refractive error. Refractions determine the presences of ametropia, an error in focusing of light rays as they pass through the eye. The refraction will guide the doctor when determining if an eye disease is present and how best to facilitate finding your optimal corrective prescription.
  • What is age-related macular degeneration, how is it treated?
    • Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a condition that can cause central vision loss and can affect seeing small details. There is no way to fix this condition, but you can slow the progression and effects with vitamins. There are two types of AMD dry and wet.
  • What is glaucoma, how is it treated? 
    • Glaucoma is a disease that effects your vision through damage to the optic nerve. There is no real treatment for glaucoma but some of the contributing factors can be treated. One of the largest factors, elevated eye pressure, can be treated with medications. The doctor will assess your risk factors and recommend routine monitoring or medication if he feels you are at risk.
  • What is diabetic eye disease, how is it treated?
    • Diabetic eye disease can cause permanent vision loss. The early stage of the disease is called diabetic retinopathy and effects the blood vessels in your macula. The second condition is diabetic macular edema which is a build-up of fluid in the retina. Routine eye exams and keeping your blood sugars under control are the best way to combat vision loss from your diabetes.
  • What is a cataract, how is it treated?
    • A cataract is a natural clouding of the lens in your eye. Many people get cataracts as they age. Symptoms of cataract include foggy or blurry vision, problems with glare at night, double vision, and light sensitivity. The only treatment is surgery, but surgical intervention is not always necessary. Regular eye exams and close monitoring by a doctor is recommended to gauge progression and ensure optimal vision.
  • My vision seems to be getting better. Is that possible?
    • Yes. You can get more near sighted or more far sighted as you age. If you are far sighted and become more near sighted, this means your refractive error is getting smaller, resulting in improved vision. Your vision can also plateau and improve on its own.


  • How much are eyeglasses?
    • Our eyeglasses range from $95-$300+. This price could change depending on your insurance plan. We do offer packages for non-insured or out of pocket patients.
  • How much does an exam cost?
    • A comprehensive exam is $135 out of pocket, with a contact lens evaluation $175-$225. This price could change depending on your insurance plan, some people pay very little due to their insurance. We offer some discounted packages for out of pocket customers.
  • How much are eyeglass lenses?
    • We offer many different options for lenses. These options come in a variety of prices. We have options for everyone and will make sure we fit your eye care needs at the price you can afford.
  • Do you offer any packages for non-insured or out of pocket customers?
    • Yes
  • How much are contact lenses?
    • Price is dependent on the type, modality and quality requested. Many of our contact lens providers offer rebates for customers who purchase a years worth of contact lenses. These rebates are located on our contacts page within services. To get an accurate price on what you want/need contact us using the form below.


  • What insurance plans does Brinegar Eye Care take?
    • We are in network with a wide variety of insurance providers. Travel to the Home page to see our top providers. 
  • What does my insurance cover?
    • Please contact our office or your insurer to check your coverage. 
  • What if I do not have insurance?
    • We offer discounted packages for out of pocket customers. 

Pediatric Eye Care:

  • When should my children see an Optometrist and how often should they have an exam?
    • Depending on their age, the interval changes. Travel to our services page to learn about Pediatric eye care.
  • How old should my child be before their first eye exam?
    • Your child is never to young for an eye exam. Travel to our services page to learn about Pediatric eye care.
  • Do you offer protective sports eyewear?
    • Yes, we are a Certified Sports Injury Protection Center! Travel to our frame page to learn more about Rec Specs from Liberty Sport. 

Brinegar Eye Care, LLC


4001 E 3rd St Ste 8,
Bloomington, IN 47401


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm


9:00 am - 5:00 pm






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