• What the Eyes Tell Us About Overall Health

    Eyes are your window to the world. Everything you experience is enhanced by what you see. By the same token, eyes can be a window into your body. When it comes to your overall health, your eyes act like an open book shedding light on your condition. A thorough eye exam with your ophthalmologist or optometrist

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  • Vision Charities to Help You Give Back This Holiday Season

    Imagine trying to succeed at work at school if you could not see clearly. Unfortunately, that's the reality for far too many people in the world. Whether they cannot afford eye care, are blind or have a vision disability, poor eyesight makes life much more difficult. You can make a difference this holiday

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  • Eyeball Licking: A Dangerous New Trend?

    In the summer of 2013, news spread quickly about a dangerous new trend, called "worming" or oculolinctus, and a serious outbreak of disease among Japanese youth. Upon further investigation, many news sources retracted or amended previously published stories, saying the stories of a sudden increase in

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Brinegar Eye Care, LLC


4001 E 3rd St Ste 8,
Bloomington, IN 47401


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