Severe Dry Eye Faqs

Severe Dry Eye FAQs from your Optometrist in Dallas TX

Tears are a crucial component to maintain healthy eyes and provide clear vision. If your eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears evaporate from your eyes too quickly, you may have dry eye disease. Dry eye is a complex disease with many symptoms, ranging from burning and irritation to blurred vision. Our patients at Insight Complete Eye Care frequently ask questions concerning the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of dry eye. Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions.

dry eyes need eye drops

What causes dry eye?

There are a plethora of causes for dry eye; the most common are listed below:

  • Age: People over the age of 65 are more likely to develop a dry eye as it is a natural part of the aging process.
  • Gender: Dry eye is more common in women since the hormonal changes from pregnancy; the use of oral contraceptives and menopause all contribute to dry eye.
  • Medications: Some medicines, including antihistamines, nasal decongestants, birth control pills, and antidepressants, can reduce tear production.
  • Medical conditions: People with diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, and thyroid problems are more likely to have symptoms of dry eyes.
  • Environmental conditions: Smoking can cause dry eye or some of the diseases that contribute to it. Working at a computer is also a contributing factor to dry eye since we’re less likely to blink when staring at a screen. Reading extensively can also cause dry eye.
  • LASIK surgery: This is often temporary and will improve after some time.

How will I know if I have dry eye?

Since dry eye results in a lack of tears to lubricate the eyes, you may experience symptoms such as redness, burning, a stinging sensation, or pain in your eyes. Other common symptoms include mucous discharge and watery eyes.

How is dry eye treated?

Your optometrist here in Dallas, TX can manage your dry eye depending on the severity of the disease. More mild cases of dry eye are managed with over-the-counter artificial tears and lid hygiene. Moderate cases of dry eye may require prescription drops, punctal plugs to block tear drainage or nutritional supplements. For severe cases, we may prescribe in-office treatments, like Lipiflow, blood serum tears, or scleral lenses.

Can I cure my dry eye myself?

There are many online resources and advertisements for over-the-counter dry eye therapy. The eye section of the pharmacy has an overwhelming amount of various brands and types of eye drops. To know which drops are the best for the type of dry eye you have, it is important to have a dry eye evaluation with your optometrist.

Schedule an Appointment Today!

Your vision is our priority at Insight Complete Eye Care. If you’re experiencing dry eye symptoms, call your optometrist in Dallas, TX at (214) 739-8611 for an appointment today. We’ll evaluate your eyes and determine the best course of treatment for your dry eyes.