
Tell your Eye Doctor about those Flashes!

Our team at Insight Complete Eye Care knows how distracting persistent flashes of light in one’s vision can be. When you find this happening often, you need to see an eye doctor who can determine how to address your problem.


Are Flashes Common?

The answer is yes, especially for those who are 50 years of age and beyond.

What Causes Flashes?

The momentary small arc-like flashes people sometimes see in their peripheral vision commonly occur during what is called vitreous separation. The vitreous body is that part of your eye that fills the space in the center of the eye. When the vitreous pulls on the retina the result is, we think we are seeing flashes of light.

Generally, such flashes can persist for a few months and then subside as the vitreous is finished separating. On rare occasions, flashes may be the result of a retinal tear. That’s why, as your ophthalmologist in Dallas, we recommend you have a semi-annual or annual vision health exam to ensure your eyes are healthy.

What About Migraines and Flashes?

Some flashes are caused by acephalgic (without pain) migraines. These are also called visual, ocular, and/or optical migraines. This is the visual aura of a classic migraine minus the pain.

Acephalgic migraine can occur at any age but are most common as one ages. This can begin in one’s teens with painful migraines and then transition from severe vascular headaches to visual phenomena without the headaches later in life. Some people never have migraine pain but develop visual phenomena.

What are the Symptoms of an Acephalgic Migraine?

Symptoms vary but often can include:

  • Heatwaves or moving lines
  • Holes or blurry places in the vision
  • Jagged lightning bolt-shaped lights that shimmer or move
  • Kaleidoscope like colored or white lights that move

At times flashes can appear in the form of a crescent that moves from the center to the side of one’s eye.

What can be Done About Flashes?

Generally, flashes last for a few minutes or several hours. 15 to 20 minutes is the most common. Common flashes occur when one’s eyes are closed and are caused by a vascular spasm in the occipital lobe or visual part of the brain. These are not permanent and most often disappear after allowing your eyes to rest a few minutes.

If you are experiencing vision flashes, give us a call at 214.739.8611 or 214.739.8612. We care about your vision and hope to be your ophthalmologist in Dallas. If you have constant flashes or severe headaches, you should see your eye doctor or a neurologist as soon as possible.

Insight Complete Eye Care 8611 Hillcrest Avenue #140 Dallas, Texas 75225