Halloween Safety Month

Halloween and Costume Contact Lens Safety

It’s finally that time of year; the weather is beginning to cool down, the leaves are changing to an orange and brown mix, and everyone is beginning to plan their costumes for Halloween. When it comes to incorporating a colored contact lens into your costume, there are many options, including purple, green, and even red! Costume contact lenses can be very fun, as long as they are fitted and prescribed by your eye doctor. Ordering these medical devices over the internet or buying them at Halloween stores is not only against the law, but puts your ocular health at risk! 

Wearing contacts that have not been fit for your eyes can lead to corneal scratches, painful infections and ulcers, decreased vision, and, in the most severe cases, blindness. Places that sell decorative lenses without a prescription rarely provide any information on the cleaning and care of soft contacts, which is an essential step in reducing ocular infections. If costume contact lenses were something you were considering this Halloween, schedule an appointment with your eye doctor and buy your contacts from a company or practice that sells FDA-approved contact lenses. For additional information, visit the FDA regulations for costume contacts here. The Insight team wishes you a happy and safe Halloween season! 

Schedule an appointment with us today! 

The optometrists at Insight Complete Eye Care in Dallas are here for all your eye care needs. Call us at (214) 739-8611 to schedule a contact lens fitting and comprehensive eye exam today!