2017 Spring Trends In Eyewear

2017 Spring Trends in Eyewear

Spring is upon us and has served as the inspiration for a fresh line of 2017 eyewear from the major designers. Our Dallas eye doctors don't believe in boring eyewear, so we offer the latest high-quality 2017 designer frames for your eyeglasses and sunglasses. Whether you favor acetate, metal, combination or rimless frame designs, there are plenty of new styles for you to try. Here are some of the newest and most exciting 2017 spring trends in designer frames, which allow you to see--and be seen--in the best light.

Eyewear Design Trends: Frames 2017

Try these new spring frame design trends at your eye doctors in Dallas:

  1. Work the Angles: Geometric eyewear shapes are back in style for Spring 2017. Angular frames can literally change your overall facial shape when you choose square frames, round glasses, trapezoids, triangular frames (aviators or modified heart shaped frames), "stop signs" (hexagon frames) or attractive butterfly wing styles.

  2. Size Matters: Large frames are still in and seem to have grown even larger this season. Almost shield-like in the amount of facial real estate they occupy, these specs add an air of opulence and mystery to your appearance. Very thick rims and straight-across tops are also making a dramatic statement this season.

  3. Embrace Embellishment: The icing on the cake of frames, for both women and men this season, is a bit of corner interest or arm embellishment. Gems, metallic scrollwork, double-wire rims, pin-striping or a strategically placed pyramid stud near the hinge of your eyeglasses frames finishes the style.

  4. Tinted Lenses: Lenses in a variety of springtime pastel shades allow you to see the world through rose-colored glasses--or yellow, lilac or pale blue, as you like. Match a pale lens tint to a transparent pastel frame for the newest monochrome look at our Dallas optometrists.

  5. Two-Tone Frames: You don’t have to choose a single color for your acetate frames anymore. The two-tone top and bottom look is sticking around this spring and also giving rise to “ombre” looks where colors fade into one another in layers. The absolute newest color combo has the bridge and center of the glasses in one shade with the outer corners in another shade. This brings focus to the center of the face and accentuates the outer eye corners, almost like makeup.

Contact Your Dallas Optometrists Today!

Prescription eyeglasses are certainly a practical accessory, but they can also make a strong fashion statement and help define your style. At Insight Complete Eye Care, home of your Dallas optometrists, we offer some of the world's most fashionable designer frames and sunglasses, as well as a complete range of eye care services. Call us at 214-739-8611 today.