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Eye Allergy FAQs

Living in Tampa, FL, can be a double-edged sword for allergy sufferers. The beautiful sunshine brings with it the constant threat of itchy, watery eyes. If you suspect eye allergies are plaguing your vision, here at Family EyeCare at Westchase, a trusted optometry practice, we can help. This FAQ aims to answer some common questions regarding eye allergies.

What Causes Eye Allergies?

Eye allergies, also known as allergic conjunctivitis, occur when your eyes come into contact with an allergen, triggering an inflammatory response. Common triggers include:

•             Pollen: This is a major culprit in Tampa, especially during spring and fall.

•             Dust mites: These microscopic creatures thrive in warm, humid environments.

•             Mold: Mold spores can irritate the eyes and cause allergy symptoms.

•             Pet dander: If you're allergic to pets, their dander can trigger eye allergies.

•             Eye makeup and contact lenses: Certain ingredients in makeup or solutions used for contact lenses can irritate the eyes.

What Are the Symptoms of Eye Allergies?

If you're experiencing one or more of the following symptoms, you may be suffering from eye allergies:

•             Itching

•             Redness

•             Watery eyes

•             Burning sensation

•             Puffy eyelids

•             Sensitivity to light

How Can I Treat Eye Allergies?

While there's no permanent cure for eye allergies, several treatment options can manage your symptoms and improve your quality of life. These include:

•             Over-the-counter eye drops: Antihistamine or lubricating eye drops can help reduce itching and irritation.

•             Prescription medications: Your eye doctor near you may prescribe stronger medication for severe cases.

•             Allergy shots: Immunotherapy can help reduce sensitivity to allergens over time.

•             Lifestyle modifications: Identifying and avoiding triggers can significantly improve your symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment with Family EyeCare at Westchase

If you're struggling with eye allergies and seeking relief, Family EyeCare at Westchase in Tampa, FL, can help. We offer comprehensive eye exams to diagnose the cause of your discomfort and recommend the most suitable treatment plan. Call Family EyeCare at Westchase today at (813) 814-2020 to schedule an appointment and take control of your eye allergies.