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FAQs about Severe Dry Eye and Answers from our Dallas Optometrists

If you're currently experiencing dry eye, you know first-hand how uncomfortable this condition can be. But what are dangers posed by severe dry eye, and what can you do about this problem? Here are the answers from our Dallas optometrists to some frequently asked questions on severe dry eye.

Severe Dry Eye FAQ's

  • What is dry eye? Dry eye is a condition that occurs whenever your eyes don't receive enough tears or the right balance of tear ingredients to keep the eyes nourished, hydrated, and lubricated.
  • What causes dry eye? Most cases of dry age are related to aging, which often results in reduced tear flow. Exposure to wind or moving air can also dry out the eyes, especially if you spend long hours staring at a computer screen (which deters normal blinking). Underlying health problems, contact lens wear, drying medications, and side effects from eye surgery can also contribute to dry eye.
  • What is meibomian gland dysfunction? The meibomian glands inside the eyelids produce oil, an essential layer of tear film that covers the water and mucous layers. If the glands become clogged or otherwise fail to function, your tears will evaporate too quickly.
  • What happens if dry eye becomes chronic or severe? Severe dry eye can lead to a condition called chronic conjunctivitis, characterized by redness, an irritated or gritty feeling in the eye, blurred vision, and even intense eye pain. Left exposed to the elements, the cornea of the eye may suffer from repeated infection and abrasions.
  • How does severe dry eye damage vision? If the cornea sustains sufficient damage, scar tissue may form on it. The scar tissue can inhibit vision. 
  • How does your optometry center diagnose dry eye? Any optometrist on our team can evaluate your tear production and tear composition to determine which elements of your tear film are inadequate. As your choice eye doctors in Dallas, we also look at your overall health, what medications you're taking, and any other factors that might cause your dry eye.
  • What methods can you use to treat severe dry eye? If eye drops and lifestyle/medication changes can't resolve your severe dry eye, we may recommend the use of scleral contacts, which provide a natural reservoir for retaining tears. Our optometrist may also prescribe punctal occlusion therapy with punctal plugs, tiny plugs that prevent tears from draining out of the eye. If your meibomian glands are blocked, a treatment called Lipiflow can free them up again so your tears get more oil.

Need More Answers? Contact Our Trusted Optometrists in Dallas

If you need more answers about getting help for severe dry eye, Cornea Lens Institute can provide them. Call our Dallas optometrists to schedule your appointment at 214-739-8611.