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LASIK Surgery FAQ’s Answered by a Dallas TX Eye Doctor

A Dallas TX eye docotr may recommend you undergo a LASIK eye surgery procedure to correct your vision problems if you no longer want to wear contacts or glasses. However, the word "surgery" strikes up concern in many patients so truly understanding the procedure of LASIK surgery can put your mind at ease. 

Woman who got lasik eye surgery

1. What Is LASIK?

Laser in-situ keratomileusis (LASIK) is a vision correction surgery for people who have farsightedness, nearsightedness or astigmatism. It treats these issues because they're caused by the eye reflecting light on the retina improperly. During the surgery, a specialist reshapes your misshapen cornea, so the light reflects correctly on the retina. 

2. What Does LASIK Eye Surgery Consist of?

During your LASIK eye surgery, a skilled eye surgeon will use a microkeratome or femtosecond laser in order to craft a thin flap in the cornea. Creating the flap is a painless procedure that consists of peeling back the underlying corneal tissue. The tissue underneath the cornea must be reshaped to allow the light to properly focus on the retina.  

3. What Is the Success Rate of LASIK?

LASIK eye surgery is a highly sought after surgery because it has proven successful time after time. In fact, approximately 96 percent of patients have their desired vision after LASIK. Many people have 20/20 vision after the surgery while a majority of patients have 20/50 vision or higher after the surgery. Rarely does a patient still require glasses or contacts after the surgery, and if they do, the prescription is much weaker than before the surgery. 

4. Is LASIK Surgery Painful?

LASIK surgery doesn't typically cause much pain. During the procedure, you're given drops in your eyes to numb your eyes. 

5. How Soon Does a Patient See Results?

A majority of patients walk out of the office being able to see, although it can take several days to weeks to see the full result of the surgery. 

6. Do the Stitches Dissolve in Your Eye?

During the LASIK procedure, you won't have any stitches that you need to take care of after the surgery. You won't even have a bandage after the procedure. 

7. Are Both Eyes Done at the Same Time?

Although this depends on your eye surgeon in Dallas TX's recommendations based on your situation, patients usually have surgery on both eyes at the same time. 

8. What Side Effects Are Possible from LASIK?

It's possible you'll have pain or discomfort during the first 24 to 48 hours after you have the surgery. It's also possible you'll notice a glare or see halos around images after your surgery. You won't be able to drive the first few days after your surgery, and once you do resume driving, you might have difficulty driving at night. Additionally, your vision might fluctuate and dry eye is possible. All of the side effects of LASIK may subside over time except dry eye, which can be a permanent side effect of the surgery. 

Contact Us Today

To schedule a consultation for LASIK eye surgery to discover if its right for you, contact the Cornea Lens Institute, serving Dallas TX and the surrounding region, by calling (214) 739-8611.