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Dallas Eye Doctor Discusses FAQs about Keratoconus

Keratoconus is a condition which causes progressive distortion of the cornea. This can lead you desperately searching for answers to your worsening vision. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about keratoconus.

man suffering from keratoconus

What Is Keratoconus?

Keratoconus is an affliction of the cornea, the curved "window" that allows incoming light into the eye. In keratoconus, the cornea develops a cone-shaped bulge. If the curvature of the cornea is uneven or otherwise abnormal, the images received by the brain will be distorted.

What Symptoms Does Keratoconus Cause?

Keratoconus typically causes blurred or distorted vision, uncomfortable sensitivity to light, eye irritation, and (as the disease progresses) ever-worsening astigmatism.

Who Gets Keratoconus, and Why?

Keratoconus tends to make its first appearance early in adulthood, for reasons that are not well understood. Inherited traits, excessive eye rubbing, and thin or weak corneal tissues may all be involved in its development or severity.

What Complications Are Associated With Keratoconus?

An extreme case of keratoconus may cause the corneal tissues to bend to the breaking point, causing tiny tears in the cornea which then swell up. The swelling, which may go on for months, dramatically reduces already-impaired vision.

Can Eyeglasses and Soft Contacts Correct Keratoconus?

Eyeglasses and regular soft contacts are limited in their ability to correct anything beyond the earliest stages of keratoconus. Most patients will get better results from gas permeable contacts (or hybrid soft contacts, which have a rigid center area) that hold their curvature independent of the corneal surface.

What Kinds of Specialized Lenses Can Correct Keratoconus?

Reverse geometry contacts include a reversed curve that compensates for the visual distortion introduced by unusually elongated corneas. Scleral lenses extend over the entire cornea in a steady curve, correcting for corneal distortion without actually touching or resting on the cornea itself.

What Is Corneal Cross-Linking?

Corneal cross-linking is a sophisticated procedure available to patients whose keratoconus is progressing faster than corrective lenses can keep up with. This technique strengthens the connective tissues in the cornea to slow or even stop the process.

Contact Cornea Lens Institute for more Information about Keratoconus in Dallas, TX

Are you interested in putting these and other keratoconus answers to use in your own life? Call Cornea Lens Institute at 214-739-8611 to arrange of a consultation and exam. Our Dallas optometry clinic can provide exactly the right treatment for your specific needs!