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Scleral Lenses | Types | Candidates | Cost

What are Scleral Lenses?

First and foremost, Scleral Contact Lenses are one of the most remarkable pieces of technology in our modern eye care era. They are the first choice of our doctors at the Cornea Lens Institute for many reasons. They are certainly one of the most comfortable contact lenses in the world and the vision that our patients are achieving is exceeding every expectation we imagined. Most importantly, the safety of this contact lens is the primary reason we continue to make this our first choice for our corneal compromised patients.

Because they are larger than conventional GP lenses, scleral lenses are more stable on the eye. They also provide initial comfort, similar to, or better than, soft lenses. If you want to wear contact lenses, but have had trouble wearing them in the past — or you’ve been told you are not a good candidate for contacts — scleral contact lenses may be the solution you are looking for. These lenses are now available in bifocal designs.

These large-diameter gas permeable (GP) lenses offer the same advantages that conventional GP lenses have compared with soft contacts, including:

  • Sharper vision
  • Greater durability
  • Easier handling
  • Less risk of complications
  • Longer life of the contact lens

They are called “scleral” lenses because, instead of covering only a portion of the cornea (like conventional GP lenses), these large GP lenses vault over the entire corneal surface and rest on the “white” of the eye (the sclera).

Because of their size, scleral lenses are more stable on the eye than conventional GP lenses, so they are less likely to accidentally dislodge from the eye. This stability also can make them far more comfortable than conventional GP lenses; scleral lenses provide initial comfort similar or better than soft lenses, especially for sensitive eyes or irregularly shaped corneas.

We always offer our 90 day unconditional guarantee for all contact lenses. At Cornea Lens Institute, we understand that you have been to many doctors and attempted many lens types and may have failed or compromised comfort or vision in the past. We understand the “ghost images” and “double images” that you have experienced with other contact lenses. We speak your language. We know you have been told that you are getting the best vision possible and that “that is the best we could obtain.” We feel we can offer you something better, with the best vision you have ever experienced, but if we fail, we will refund 100% of your contact lens expenses or refit you in another option that may be better for you.

Simply call the office and schedule a consultation to see if you are a good candidate for these remarkable contact lens technologies. Remember, insurance will often cover 100% of these medically necessary contact lenses if you qualify. Call 214.739.8611 Ext 1 to schedule your appointment or simply learn more about our unique care.


  • Corneo-scleral lenses are much larger than conventional GP lenses and rest near the junction between the cornea and the sclera.
  • Mini-scleral lenses vault over the entire corneal surface.
  • Full scleral lenses provide the greatest amount of clearance between the back surface of the lens and the cornea.


  • Irregular corneas. Vision problems caused by an irregularly shaped cornea — whether naturally occurring, due to an eye condition such as keratoconus, or resulting from eye surgery — typically cannot be fully corrected with glasses or soft contact lenses.
  • Hard-to-fit eyes. If your eyes cannot be comfortably fitted with conventional GP lenses, scleral lenses can provide a more comfortable and secure fit.
  • Dry eyes. If your eyes are too dry for conventional contact lenses, scleral lenses can help.


Scleral lenses are custom-made to the exact specifications prescribed by your eye doctor to provide the best possible vision, eye health, and comfort.

Automated scanning laser measuring tools and imaging devices are used to fit scleral lenses.

For these reasons, professional fees associated with fitting scleral lenses and lens replacement costs are higher for scleral lenses than other contact lenses.

Often, insurance will provide 100% coverage of these medically necessary contact lenses and professional service fees if you qualify. Over 80% of our patients have full insurance coverage for medically necessary contact lenses and we are providers for many insurance providers. Please call our experienced staff to schedule an appointment or simply learn more. 214.739.8611 Ext 1.