Primary Location

San Antonio, TX 78247 US

(210) 410-4733

Client Testimonials

Hear What Our Clients Are Saying About...


Transform Your Pratice...

"Kitty is the most remarkable yoga teacher with whom I have ever worked. She is amazing in many ways. She understands, expresses and responds to the energy in a room, a class and a physical body. As a result she is able to see and appreciate what is happening in your specific body and to offer suggestions and adjustments that literally transform your practice. She also knows how to move you forward in your work, always advancing but never forcing or harming.  Her skill, knowledge and intuition are unparalleled. In addition she is a delightful person, full of humor, joy and insight. "~ Cynthia M/ San Antonio

Positive Health Effects...

"Yoga class at New Horizon Yoga is pleasant, funny, highly yoga knowledgeable, great communicator. Here are the effects her yoga classes have had on me: lowered  blood pressure, quieter digestion, eliminated my decades long back pain, given me a more mindful mind, more toned, supple, stronger (especially my core) body, better sleep. Been doing yoga for years all over; she's the best."  ~ Orion W/ San Antonio

Offers Mindful Alignment Techniques...

"Taking yoga classes with Kitty is like regaining the long-lost ability to see oneself with kindness and a sense of humor! In the midst of offering very mindful alignment techniques, Kitty adds a fun flair of dynamic humor and a sense of playfulness for her students in every class. We've all been guilty from time to time of taking life too seriously.  Thank you, Kitty, for helping your students heal body, mind, and spirit!" ~ Meg S/ San Antonio 

Kitty knows yoga...

"New Horizon Yoga knows yoga, but just as importantly, Kitty knows bodies.  She will help you approach YOUR next level in your practice, even if she is dealing with 30 students at once.  She will do it with humor, wisdom, and compassion.  Don’t miss the opportunity to work with such a skilled yogini!" ~ Jo Anne B/ Japan

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