
Services from Your Developmental Optometrist in Jasper and Evansville, IN

Here at the Vision Development Center we want to help you improve your vision. Using vision therapy and vision correction methods, Dr. Joan Bauernfiend will help your visual system function more efficiently. We offer binocular vision exams for patients of all ages. Find out what else we provide via vision therapy in Jasper and Evansville.

this is a photo of the exam room used by our developmental optometrist in jasper and evansville 

Comprehensive Vision Assessment 

In order to provide any of our services, Dr. Bauernfiend begins with a comprehensive vision assessment. This gives your optometrist a baseline in order to detect any changes in your vision over the course of therapy if indicated. Your vision will be tested using a binocular vision exam to test your eye function and vision efficiency. We also provide vision therapy also known as vision training or sports vision training that uses controlled vision activities for treatment. 

Optometrist for Kids and Developing Adults

Every child should get their vision checked as soon as possible when they are born. From the earliest age a child can have vision correction or eye health needs. Additionally, when children have eye health problems this is generally an indicator of a more serious medical condition. It is imperative to get your child’s eyes examined by an optometrist for kids. Once they begin going to grade school, your child should go to the eye doctor for a vision test once a year. These vision exams can determine if there are any specific problems that require the specialized care that our developmental optometrist provides. Your child’s primary care optometrist might recommend vision therapy or other treatments from our developmental optometrist. The Vision Development Center takes pride in the partnerships that we have fostered with many optometrists in Southern Indiana to provide their patients with state of the art vision therapy treatments.

Aid for Learning Disabilities

Children who are diagnosed with learning disabilities might just be suffering from binocular vision issues. In some instances, the binocular vision impairment is a primary factor in the situation because the child can’t track across a printed page or maintain proper eye alignment. This problem is often misdiagnosed as a learning disability, dyslexia or ADD/ADHD (attention deficit disorder). For this reason, you should get your child’s visual function checked if they are considered to have a learning disability. If your child has a weakly functioning visual system, we can provide treatment for them.

Surgery Free Vision Correction

If you have more extensive vision issues, such as a lazy eye or crossed eyes, you may benefit from surgery-free vision correction. Using vision therapy we can retrain your eyes and brain to function naturally. This can save you from having to undergo eye muscle surgery which only addresses cosmetic concerns in most cases. You can even use vision correction to improve your vision, even if it is already good. This is ideal for certain occupations, such as sharp shooters, or for athletes. Talk to your optometrist about vision therapy in Jasper and Evansville, IN to see if you are a good candidate for this treatment method.

It's Not Too Late to Try Vision Therapy

It is a common misperception that adults do not benefit from vision therapy. The human brain is never too old to learn. Motivated adults most certainly benefit from our programs of therapy that address visual side effects from concussion or other brain injury. Even if a visual condition was diagnosed as a child, it’s never too late for the brain to relearn how to use eyes and visual information more effectively and naturally. 

Call Our Developmental Optometrist in Jasper & Evansville Today!

The Vision Development Center is the leading provider of vision therapy in Jasper and Evansville. Whether you are seeking eye care for your child or vision correction for yourself, we offer the latest in vision and eye services. Please give us a call at 812-482-1411 to schedule an appointment for your developmental optometrist in Jasper and Evansville, IN. We are excited to have you join our vision care community.


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Vision Development Center


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm








  • "Wonderful office and staff, my son received vision therapy and we were very happy from the beginning to end!!!"
    Kristy B.