Most of us don't give routine eye exams a second thought, but you cannot underestimate their importance. Receiving eye care and checkups from a trusted eye doctor can prevent vision loss. At Luke Eye Associates in Midland, our eye doctors make sure your family gets the care needed for one of the most essential senses. We have gathered a few reasons why you need regular eye care and checkups.

Preventing Vision Loss

There can be subtle changes in your vision that are difficult to detect on your own. It could be perceived that there isn't a problem, but you may have an impairment. Eye exams allow our optometrists to perform a thorough evaluation of your eyes. We can determine if contact lenses or eyeglasses would be a better fit for your vision correction.

Our family and pediatrics service allows us to help patients of all ages. Children in school have most of the information presented to them in a visual format, so clear vision is an absolute necessity. If not treated early in life, these vision issues can continue into teen and young adult life.

Eye Diseases Are Detected and Treated

Only an eye exam with an optometrist can diagnose severe eye conditions that can compromise your quality of life. Several eye diseases, such as macular degeneration and glaucoma, have barely noticeable symptoms during the early stages of development. Our eye doctors have the training and necessary equipment needed to identify such eye health conditions.

Routine Eye Care and Checkups Provide Peace of Mind

Eye diseases are managed more effectively with early intervention and treatment. Knowing you are doing everything you can to protect your eyes cannot be undervalued. Not only are you taking the proper steps to prevent vision loss, but it is beneficial for your overall health as well.

Contact Luke Eye Associates In Midland, TX

Maintaining a regular schedule for annual eye exams allows our eye doctors and you to detect and treat any conditions that may affect your vision. Contact our optometrists at Luke Eye Associates if you live in or around Midland and it has been a while since your last eye exam. Call our team today at (432) 234-1795 or reach us through our website by using our online contact form.


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