Pediatric Eye Exams

Pediatric Exams Play an Important Role in Childhood Exams

There are a lot of people who wait until their children begin preschool to have their eyes examined for the first time. The eye care team here at Kozlovsky Delay & Winter Eye Consultants, LLC is doing its part to educate people about how important pediatric eye exams are in regard to the process of early childhood development. Vision is an essential component of the learning and developmental process during the early stages of life. Experts conclude that learning constitutes 80 percent of a human’s ability to learn. This is why early childhood exams with a pediatric eye doctor are so important.

Pediatric Exams Play an Important Role in Childhood Exams

Give them a Chance

The American Optometric Association's recommendation is that all children should have an eye exam performed by a family eye doctor at six months and subsequently at age three and every two years thereafter to ensure normal development. There are many children who are diagnosed with learning disabilities in the United States each year. It is important for people to understand that learning-related vision problems are not learning disabilities, however, a child's inability to see properly can give the appearance that they have a learning disability.

There are several conditions involving vision that can contribute to issues with learning. These conditions can be grouped into three different classifications. These classifications include refractive and eye health problems, perceptual vision problems and functional vision problems. In the specific case of functional vision problems, deficits can cause eye strain, blurry vision, double vision, and headaches. Convergence insufficiency also falls into the functional vision category and this deficit prevents the comfortable and accurate alignment of the eyes during reading.

Refractive and perceptual vision are generally tested during comprehensive eye exams conducted by a family eye doctor. However, exams to detect functional vision problems are generally conducted by an eye care specialist like our optometrist in San Antonio. This is why it is so important for children to have their children’s eyes examined by a pediatric eye doctor during their earliest years of development.

At the Start

Pediatric eye exams between birth and 24 months help to ensure that babies are reaching certain milestones of development. When a family eye doctor examines an infant at 6 months, they are looking to rule out or confirm conditions like astigmatism, farsightedness or nearsightedness. Children between the ages of 2 to 5 need an eye exam to rule out or diagnose and correct issues like amblyopia and strabismus. Pediatric eye exams are essential in children and teens between the ages of 6 and 18 because they detect vision problems that cause interruptions in a child’s ability to socialize, learn, and engage in athletic activities.

Observe and Take Action

Here at Kozlovsky Delay & Winter Eye Consultants, LLC in San Antonio, we encourage parents to monitor the progress of how their children learn. They should look for a specific indicator of visual deficits. If you notice your child has a short attention span, frequently blinks, has frequent headaches, tilts their head to one side or the other, or avoids reading, they may have a visual deficit. In addition, if your child has issues with reading comprehension, they lose their place while reading or they complain of double vision they need to be seen by a pediatric eye doctor as soon as possible. Give our office a call at (210)-377-0350 to schedule an appointment for your child today.

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