Eye Infections

Your Las Vegas Optometrist Explains Eye Infections

Infections are never good, but when they’re in your eye, they can be particularly painful and difficult to deal with. Left untreated, they can lead to even more serious consequences and even blindness. If you have an eye infection, therefore, it’s crucial that you address it immediately by seeing a qualified, professional eye doctor right away.

Man struggling with his vision due to an eye infection in Las Vegas.

Whether or not you or a member of your family has an eye infection currently, it’s important to have a relationship with an optometrist. That way, when an emergency does crop up, you know exactly where to go. Even when your vision isn’t threatened, it’s a good idea to see an optometrist at least once a year to get your vision checked and watch for signs of eye disease so you can protect your eyesight for life.

Types of Eye Infections

Many types of eye infection exist, but they are caused by three main agents: viruses, bacteria, and fungi. These small organisms move into different parts of your eye and set up shop, hampering your eyesight and causing redness, swelling, pain, itching and other symptoms. These organisms can get into your eye multiple ways, such as contact with your hand or another person’s, a wound or trauma, or a poorly cleaned contact lens.

One of the most common eye infections, for instance, is conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye. It is caused by a common cold virus and is most common in children, but adults can get it too. It is quite contagious, easily passed from person to person through direct contact or intermediary surfaces. Other infections include blepharitis, or infection of your eyelid; vitritis, or infection of the eye’s fluid; and keratitis, infection of the cornea, among many others.

Because the eye is such a complex organism with so many moving parts, infections can reside in many small areas of the eye, making it very difficult to identify what is going on without professional help.

Get an Eye Exam from a Qualified Eye Doctor

That’s why it’s important to see an eye doctor for an eye exam as soon as the smallest signs of infection crop up. When you wait on treatment, infections frequently get worse, not better. Symptoms to watch for include:

  • Itching
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Weeping
  • Crustiness
  • Pain
  • Stinging
  • Trouble seeing

When you come in, our eye doctor will perform an eye exam to get to the root cause of your symptoms. If an eye infection is at fault, we will prescribe a course of treatment to combat it and get your vision back to normal as quickly as possible. In the event that your symptoms are caused by a true eye disease, we will make a management plan to help protect your eyesight for life.

Comprehensive Eye Care from an Eye Doctor near Las Vegas

Our eye doctor near Las Vegas can help you learn more about eye care and infection management today. At Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry, we specialize in providing our clients and families with the highest quality eye care around. We would love to help you as well. Contact us today!