Eye Strain

Eye Strain

Eyestrain is a common condition that occurs when your eyes become tired from too much use. At Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry in Las Vegas, we can provide treatment options to prevent eyestrain.

What Causes Eyestrain?

There are several causes of eyestrain. These include:

  • Looking at digital devices for long periods
  • Reading without taking regular breaks to rest your eyes
  • Being exposed to glare or bright lights
  • Straining to see in a dimly lit room
  • Driving long distances
  • Any activity that requires long periods of focus
  • Dry eye syndrome
  • Undiagnosed refractive errors
  • Feeling stressed out or fatigued

Diagnosing Eyestrain

Your optometrist can diagnose eyestrain during your annual eye exam. If you are experiencing eyestrain, we will ask questions to determine what is causing the problem.

Treating Eyestrain

The treatment for eyestrain depends on what is causing it in the first place. If it is caused by an undiagnosed refractive error, your eye doctor can prescribe glasses which will help you see better, eliminating the need to strain your eyes.

If the frequent use of computers or digital devices is the problem, your eye doctor can prescribe eyeglass lenses with blue light filters, which are designed to prevent eyestrain. If your problem is related to long periods of reading or closeup work, your eye doctor will suggest regular breaks. If your eye strain is related to dry eye, your eye doctor will treat the condition, which should also reduce your eyestrain.

Changes At Home

There are things that you can do at home to reduce eyestrain and help with the symptoms. When you are watching TV, it will be easier on your eyes if you keep the room dimly lit. Try limiting your screen time. If you can't, be sure to take frequent breaks. Finally, if you have a dry eye, you should use your artificial tears more often when you start experiencing eye strain symptoms.

Eyestrain Treatment in Las Vegas

If you are experiencing eye strain, schedule an appointment with Kopolow & Girisgen Doctors of Optometry in Las Vegas. We will provide a thorough examination and develop a treatment plan to reduce or eliminate your eyestrain. Call us today to learn more or to schedule an appointment.