
Keratoconus occurs when a healthy cornea, which is dome-shaped, thins out and bulges into a cone-like shape. This condition can result in distorted and blurred vision due to light not refracting as it should. If you have this condition, our optometrists at Danville Eye Center in Danville, Liberty, Mount Vernon, and Harrodsburg can provide you with specialty eyewear to help with your vision.  


Who Is At Risk Of Developing Keratoconus?

Most people can develop this condition in their teenage years, however, it can also occur in childhood and over the age of thirty. You can be at risk if you have the following factors:

  • Keratoconus can be passed along if you have a parent who has it as well.
  • Vigorous eye rubbing can weaken the cornea, causing the condition.
  • Having certain medical conditions such as hay fever, asthma, Down syndrome, and retinitis pigmentosa can increase your chances of getting keratoconus.

Symptoms of Keratoconus

Most people are not aware that they have keratoconus because the cornea can change it shape suddenly or in several years. As the condition progresses, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • Blurry vision
  • Distorted vision
  • Sensitivity to light and glare
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • Cloudy vision
  • Needing frequent changes in your prescription

Diagnosing Keratoconus

Keratoconus can be diagnosed during your annual eye exam. Your eye doctor would first review your family and medical history. Then the following tests may be conducted to confirm the diagnosis:

  • An eye refraction test to check for visual impairment.
  • A slit lamp exam to evaluate the shape of the cornea.
  • A keratometry test to determine the basic shape of your cornea.
  • A computerized corneal mapping exam to allow us to see a detailed map of the surface of your cornea.

How Is Keratoconus Treated?

Glasses and contacts can treat the blurry and distorted vision if you have a mild or moderate case of keratoconus. These include:

  • Soft lenses or eyeglasses: These can help with your vision problem, but as the shape of the cornea changes, you may need to change the prescription often.
  • Gas-permeable lenses: These lenses are rigid, which will keep your cornea’s round shape.
  • Piggyback lenses: Some people might find gas-permeable lenses uncomfortable on their eye. Piggyback lenses are soft lens, and can help by acting as a cushion for the hard lens.
  • Hybrid lenses: If you cannot tolerate gas-permeable lenses, hybrid contacts are also an option. They have a hard center, with a softer ring on the outside. Many people find them to be more comfortable than gas-permeable lenses.
  • Scleral lenses: Scleral lenses are prescribed for advanced keratoconus. Rather than the lens resting on your cornea the way that traditional lenses do, scleral lenses rest on the white of your eye. They vault over your cornea without touching it.

If you are experiencing the symptoms of keratoconus, our eye doctors at Danville Eye Center in Danville, Liberty, Mount Vernon, and Harrodsburg can create a treatment plan to help improve your symptoms, allowing you to see correctly. Schedule an appointment today!

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