Contact Lenses for Dry Eyes

There are plenty of people out there who need corrective lenses. When people need corrective lenses, they often start with eyeglasses before moving to contacts. There are numerous benefits that come with using contacts. These are less conspicuous on the face and correct the entire visual field instead of just the area within the frame of the glasses. Of course, there are plenty of people who also have dry eyes that feel like contacts can be irritating. The professional team at Danville Eye Center is here to help everyone in the Danville area better understand how they can wear contacts with dry eyes.


Important Tips for People with Dry Eyes and Contacts

Dry eyes are a common problem that we see in our office. Those who have dry eyes can still wear their contacts. There are a few tips that everyone who wears contacts should follow. These include:

  • Those who have dry eyes should make sure that their eyes have a chance to breathe for at least a few hours per day. This will give the eyes a chance to moisten up without being trapped underneath contacts.
  • Make sure to use rewetting drops throughout the day. This will prevent the eyes from drying out too much when the contacts are placed in the eyes.
  • There are special lenses that are available for those who have excessively dry eyes. This is an important topic that everyone with dry eyes should talk about with their eye doctor. This can provide important relief for those who live with dry eyes.
  • Do not wear contacts past their recommended date of use. Everyone who has contacts needs to make sure that they change them on time. This will help keep the eyes as comfortable as possible.

Dry eyes and contacts can be a troublesome mix for everyone to deal with. Fortunately, the trained professionals at Danville Eye Center are here to help everyone make sure that they can find contacts that work well for them.

Rely on the Professional Team at the Danville Eye Center for All Eye Health Needs

It is important for everyone to make sure that they get their annual eye exams performed on time every year. This will help everyone make sure that their prescription lenses are accurate and up to date. Those who have questions and concerns about their eye health should reach out to the Danville Eye Center today to learn more about how contracts can work well for their dry eyes. 

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