Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles® for Straightening Teeth

Do you cover your teeth when you smile? Are you worried that metal braces will be too expensive? At Anita Rathee, DDS, we've got the solution for you: Six Month Smiles®. Call us today at (818) 348-8898 to find out if Six Month Smiles® is the right fit for your lifestyle.

Affordable, Clear Braces in Less Time

Six Month Smiles® is a clear cosmetic braces system that is affordable and typically straightens teeth in six months for many patients. If you are unhappy with your teeth or are self-conscious about your smile, it's time to consider your options. If you are concerned about the look of metal braces or the expensive associated with teeth straightening solutions, talk to our West Hills dentist about Six Month Smiles®.

With a clearly proven record of success, braces are the obvious choice for many patients considering a teeth straightening program. As a Six Month Smiles® dentist, we incorporate the trusted orthodontic treatment of braces and put a modern twist on it. This method for straightening teeth can often be completed on a shorter time frame using clear braces, all with a more affordable price tag. Cost, time, and appearance are all considerations in this wonderful cosmetic braces system.

Improve your smile quickly and affordably with Six Month Smiles®. The orthodontic treatment is available for adults that are 15 years or older and are looking to correct crooked or spaced teeth. The treatments use low force and short treatment times, making the system comfortable, safe, and hygienic. It includes Six Month Smiles Lucid-Lock® clear brackets and wires that are tooth colors. The treatment also includes Six Month Smiles Patient Tray Kits™ that make appointments quick and comfortable. And, the entire teeth straightening system typically costs less than traditional metal braces, aligner therapy, or veneers.

Stop feeling self-conscious about your smile, find out if Six Month Smiles® will work for you. Talk to our West Hills dentist to get the quickest, most affordable teeth straightening solution to transform your smile.

Start smiling with confidence, call us at (818) 348-8898 to learn if Six Month Smile® is right for you.

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