
Invisalign Specialist

Having straight teeth is important to people of all ages. Dr. Rathee is a leading provider of the Invisalign® orthodontic system and helps patients from her West Hills, California practice. Dr. Rathee can correct alignment issues and improve the way her patients' smiles look without the need for traditional metal braces.

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by Anita Rathee, DDS

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is a popular type of orthodontic treatment system which uses clear trays made of medical-grade plastic which move teeth into place gradually. Also called aligners, these removable trays serve the same purpose as the bands and brackets of traditional metal braces. The aligners hold several key advantages such as:

  • They can be removed to make it easier to brush and floss your teeth during treatment.
  • They can also be removed while eating so you don't have to worry about dietary restrictions.
  • Their clear plastic construction means they are almost invisible when worn.
  • There are no sharp wires or brackets to cut into lips and cheeks which makes them more comfortable to wear.
  • They are custom-made for your mouth and don't rely on one-size-fits-all brackets and wires.
  • Most patients can complete treatment more quickly compared to traditional braces.

What is the Invisalign® Procedure Like?

First, the patient will have impressions made of his or her teeth. These impressions will be scanned into a computer, which will create a series of three-dimensional images which show how the teeth will need to shift over time to come into alignment. The models will be used to create a custom set of aligners based on the person's specific alignment needs. The patient will wear each aligner for about two weeks before swapping it out for the next one in the series. The gradual adjustments keep the patient's teeth shifting in the right directions. Approximately every six weeks, the patient will go in for an appointment to ensure the treatment is progressing as it should.

Is Invisalign® a Good Option for Every Patient?

While the Invisalign® system can be an ideal solution for many people, it is not the best choice for all orthodontic needs. During your evaluation, you will learn if Invisalign® is right for you, and if not, you will learn about other options which can help you get the results you're looking for.

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Invisalign® for Straightening Teeth

Do you wish you had straighter teeth, but don't want to experience metal or clear braces? Invisalign® may just be the perfect option for getting those straight teeth. Schedule an appointment with Dr. Rathee at Anita Rathee, DDS to find out if you are a candidate for Invisalign®.

Advanced Straightening Method

Invisalign® has been an available method for straightening teeth since 1999. It is a popular straightening method due to how comfortable, convenient, and invisible the whole process is for patients. Many of our West Hills patients were thrilled with the results that this type of procedure produced for them. Check out our Smile Gallery to see how Invisalign® has dramatically changed the smiles of patients.

To begin, you will have a consultation with Dr. Rathee to determine what your teeth straightening goals are and to establish whether you are a candidate for this method. As part of the process to determine if you are a candidate, our West Hills staff will take x-rays and pictures, as well as make impressions of your teeth for models. If you are established as a candidate for Invisalign®, these x-rays, pictures and impressions will be utilized to create your exact treatment course which will show exact teeth movements throughout the process.

Clear, custom-made aligners will then be personally created to follow your treatment plan. You will be required to wear the aligners throughout the day, only removing them to eat, brush or floss. While the actual time frame may vary slightly, you will change your aligner trays to a new tray every two weeks. At Anita Rathee, DDS, we will check your progress every 6 weeks or thereabouts. The length of the treatment time will vary by individual but Dr. Rathee will give you an estimated date of completion according to your progress and results.

Make a change to your smile today, call us at (818) 348-8898 to learn if Invisalign® is right for you.

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