Sports Eye Safety

Protecting your eyes is essential when playing sports. Here are some ways to keep your eyes safe while engaging in sports activities. If you have any further questions, the eye care professionals at F & M Family Eyecare are ready to assist you.

Wear Protective Eyewear

Protective eyewear, such as goggles or sports glasses, can help prevent eye injuries during sports activities. Make sure the eyewear is designed for the specific sport you're playing.

Choose the Right Helmet

When playing a contact sport, it's important to wear a helmet that fits well and has a visor or cage to protect your eyes and face.

Be Aware of your Surroundings

Look out for potential hazards on the playing field, such as loose balls or equipment, and stay alert to avoid collisions with other players.

Use Proper Technique

Follow proper techniques and rules for the sport to minimize the risk of eye injuries.

Take Breaks

Take regular breaks to rest your eyes and avoid eye strain, particularly when engaging in activities that require long periods of visual concentration, such as shooting a bow or playing video games.

Seek Medical Attention

If you do experience an eye injury, seek medical attention immediately to prevent further damage or vision loss. Remember that protecting your eyes is essential, so always take precautions and use proper safety equipment when playing sports or engaging in other activities that pose a risk of eye injury.

Sports Eye Doctor in Riverdale, GA

Come and see us at F & M Family Eyecare for your sports eye doctor needs! Whether you are looking for the proper prescription sunglasses for playing for favorite outdoor sports to treating an eye injury as the result of a sports accident, we at F & M Family Eyecare in Riverdale, GA are here for you and your eye care needs. Call us today at (770) 996-3495 for more information or to schedule an appointment.

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