• Eye Focusing

    The eyes have a focusing system called accommodation; it allows for visual clarity. The system is rested when you look at an object that is far away and is not forced to strain like it would if the target were close. In normal circumstances, the eyes are able to effortlessly transition between objects

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  • Eye Makeup and Your Vision

    Do you know how to prevent makeup-related eye mishaps?

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  • Eye Movement

    Eye movement refers to the voluntary and involuntary movements of the eyes that assist with obtaining, fixating and following visual stimuli. The eyes are each connected to a system of six muscles. Light is sensed by the retina, which is a type of tissue that contains cells known as photoreceptors. These

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  • Eye Occlusions

    An eye occlusion is a blockage in one of the arteries or veins supplying blood to the retina and/or optic nerve. These blockages can cause severe and sudden vision loss. Contact your eye care professional immediately if you experience sudden vision loss, and follow up right away with your family doctor.

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  • Eye Pain

    Eye pain is not normal and should always be checked by your eye care professional. It is especially urgent if the pain comes with any of the following symptoms: The pain is intense and sudden. Your eye is injured or is being irritated by a foreign object. The pain comes with sensitivity to light or

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  • Eye Perception

    Visual perception refers to a set of skills used to collect and interpret visual information taken in from our environment. The visual information gathered is combined with our other senses, allowing us to derive meaning from what we see. Through the process of merging visual data with our other senses,

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  • Eye Twitches and Spasms and How to Stop Them

    Do you wish your eyelids would stop twitching? These tips may help.

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  • Eye Twitching

    Few eye issues are as simultaneously subtle and annoying as a twitch that comes on suddenly and/or recurs frequently. A twitching eyelid may not appear visible to the people around you at all, but it can make you feel highly self-conscious and drive you to search for the cause and the cure. Unfortunately,

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  • Eyeball Licking: A Dangerous New Trend?

    In the summer of 2013, news spread quickly about a dangerous new trend, called "worming" or oculolinctus, and a serious outbreak of disease among Japanese youth. Upon further investigation, many news sources retracted or amended previously published stories, saying the stories of a sudden increase in

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  • Facts About Astigmatism

    Do you know how astigmatism can affect your vision?

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  • February Newsletter: Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month

    Do you know how age-related macular degeneration could affect your vision?

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  • February Newsletter: The Benefits of Multifocal Contact Lenses

    Ready to ditch your reading glasses? Learn how multifocal contact lenses could improve your vision.

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  • February Newsletter: Tips to Keep Your Contact Lenses Comfortable During the Winter

    Wish your contact lenses weren't so dry and uncomfortable during the winter?

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  • February Newsletter: Why Dry Eye Is So Difficult to Treat

    Are dry eyes a frequent problem? Try these tips.

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  • Filters

    Optical filters carefully transfer light in a specific range of wavelengths or colors while obstructing what remains. These dyed plastic or glass devices are placed in the optical path. They are described by their frequency response, and this identifies how the scale and stage of each frequency component

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  • Flashers and Floaters

    Many people experience small, dark, cobwebby shapes drifting across their field of vision. These floaters are especially common as people age. Flashes, a similar phenomenon, are quick flickers of light. Both are usually harmless, but, occasionally, can be a sign of serious eye troubles. Causes Vitreous

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Wedgwood Optometry Associates


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