Parent Participation Soccer


All the fun of Little Rascalz Soccer classes in San Diego but set at a more appropriate pace and style for toddlers and of course with a little help from mom or dad.

Soccer classes for toddlersThis is a wonderful introduction to
group activities for your toddler and Soccer is the most appropriate sport for this age child. Kicking a soccer ball is the next natural gross motor skill leading on from walking/running.
Apart from the obvious physical development benefits this soccer class will provide, your toddler will make friends for the first time in a setting where they can play without the stress of having to take turns or share. (Unless you want them to).
Your toddler will grow and learn developmentally at their own pace--not anyone else's.
In our Mommy n me toddler classes in San Diego, in addition to the soccer, there will be lots of other equipment for them to explore: ribbons, hoops, parachute, obstacle course etc.
Also as opposed to just seeing parents or guardians in the authority figure role, they will be introduced to an wonderfully caring soccer coach: Who really understands the needs and limitations of toddlers,
These are the baby steps of learning to understand and cooperate with the 'teacher' figure.

And let's not forget...nothing beats a class where they burn off some energy, right?

All toddlers participating in a Little Rascalz Mommy 'n' Me soccer class will have a parent/carer on the playing area with them during the soccer lesson in San Diego. As your toddler progresses to be more independent, parent/carers can take their cues from the coach when to 'hang back' and let them participate in the soccer class independently. You will also be told by the soccer coach when your toddler is ready to move to our regular independent Soccer lessons.

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Little Rascalz Soccer also offers non-parent participation soccer classes for kids.