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Our Success Stories

"Vision Therapy really helped me reach my goals. It helped me become a better student. I am better at concentrating. Jodie is really nice and super helpful....."
KB age 16

"How I wish I could turn back time and have been able to provide vision therapy for Kimberly 10 years or more ago! She has struggled in scho0ol with poor grades her whole life and it breaks my heart to think I could have done something about it if only I had known. Her pediatrician was quick to decide she had ADHD and gave her medications that always made her sick or have headaches. At age 15 when Dr. Lee and Jodie tested her for binocular vision issues, they were obvious. Kim rebelled a bit about whether she needed therapy or not at first. After several months she began to see improvement for herself and she became more cooperative in doing her home therapy. Jodie and Dr. Lee were absolutely wonderful and really understood the mentality of a teenager and motivated her and encouraged her all the way. She gained so much self confidence that is still evident today and her grades have improved dramatically. Her brother has shown to have similar binocular vision issues and Kim has actually encouraged him to have Vision Therapy!! ...."
mom of KB

"I started with my eyes always feeling tired and uncomfortable when I read and did my homework. I ALWAYS had headaches which would make me not want to finish my school work and it always made me lose my concentration and I had trouble remembering what I had just read. After Dr. Lee diagnosed what was going on with my eyes I was assigned exercises and homework that fit the criteria every week. After a couple of months I completely stopped getting headaches and my eyes stopped feeling uncomfortable. It was an amazing feeling to finally know my headaches were cured! I had finally overcome the biggest obstacle that was holding me back in school. I am so thankful for this therapy program, it truly does work!!!...."
MR age 21

"It was hard at first, but it helped a lot. I am much more aware of the world. Jodie is so nice and fun and easy going. I would recommend therapy a lot!! Dr. Lee is really nice and friendly. Jodie lets you talk and chit chat also while you are in therapy sessions. Jodie explains things so well and is very helpful...."
GF age 18

"Dr. Lee and Jodie are amazing!!!!. After discovering that my 18 year old daughter on the autism spectrum, was having difficulty with not only focus, but also with visual memory and processing. Dr. Lee designed a program to improve all aspects of her vision. Jodie is a skilled and kind therapist and sessions with her are fun, relaxed and effective. My daughter’s ability to see and process the world around her has improved dramatically. Unfortunately she’s becoming much more critical of my driving!...."
mom of GF

"I felt a bit nervous when I first started coming to vision therapy. Now I feel excited when I come here. I feel that vision therapy has helped me focus in class...."
NM age 9

"I have seen improvement in Nikhil’s overall eye coordination. He is able to make better eye contact with people. Overall his ability to pay attention to what he is doing seems to have improved. As a parent, I would definitely recommend this therapy to any kid who has vision related problems. Additionally, I appreciate the dedication of the therapist Jodie in getting Nikhil to do the often (initially) difficult exercises and making sure that he is improving. Thank you Jodie!!! ...."
dad of NM

"I used to not be able to read even with my glasses. After about five weeks at vision therapy with Jodie I was able to read in class and do desk work all with my glasses. I also learned a lot about my vision problems and how my eyes work...."
EN age 11

"After suffering from inexplicable headaches for over thirty years I was very happy when Dr. Kao caught the fact that I have double vision and that it could be fixed with vision therapy. After just ten weeks of vision therapy sessions and a bunch of hard work I am definitely doing much better now. I really enjoyed the weekly sessions with Jodie. She kept it very energetic, interesting and took the time to explain everything in great detail...."
SS age 34

"My eye doctor referred me to Vision Enhancement Optometric Group’s vision therapy program when he noticed my eyes did not point correctly. I had suffered from migraines and did not like to drive as visual complexity in my peripheral vision was disconcerting to me. Even walking along a trail through trees would give me a headache and nausea. Dr. Lee diagnosed my condition and prescribed a rigorous serious of eye exercises. I followed these exercises and therapy almost religiously and it has really paid off. My migraines and headaches are gone, I can now drive comfortable and visual complexity no longer causes disorientation and nausea. Dr. Lee and Jodie are very knowledgeable, patient and friendly...."
RG age 42