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Ortho-K, also known as orthokeratology, involves the use of special contact lenses. Most conventional lenses are worn during the day, and you take them out when you go to bed, but Ortho-K is a bit different. These contacts are worn at night while you sleep, and you remove them when you wake up in the morning. If you live in Anderson, Williamston, Clemson, or the surrounding areas, and would like to learn more about Ortho-K, our eye doctors at Family Vision can help.

How Ortho-K Corrects Your Vision

Ortho-K is designed to reshape your cornea gently using Paragon CRT lenses while you sleep. When you wake up in the morning and remove the lenses, you will be able to see clearly without glasses or contacts.

Treating Vision Issues With Ortho-K

Ortho-K can be used to treat myopia, also known as nearsightedness. If your prescription is -6.00 or lower, your vision can be corrected with Ortho-K. These lenses can also treat lesser degrees of astigmatism.

The Effects of Ortho-K

It can take two or three nights of wearing the contacts to reach full effect. The higher your prescription, the longer it will take for the contacts to be effective. Until the contacts reach their maximum effectiveness, you might need to wear your eyeglasses during the day to see clearly for distance.

Good Candidates For Ortho-K

Most people who rely on eyeglasses or contacts to see clearly are good candidates for Ortho-K. As long as your prescription fits within the parameters, Ortho-K will work for you. These lenses are also used to treat myopia in children. Studies have shown that Ortho-K can slow the progression of myopia in children, which will preserve their vision.

People with dry eye are also excellent candidates for Ortho-K. Conventional contacts absorb moisture from the eyes, many people with dry eyes have a difficult time wearing them. Because Ortho-K lenses are worn at night when your eyes are closed, they won't cause your symptoms to worsen.

If you have been told that you are a poor candidate for LASIK due to your eyes' health or overall health, Ortho-K is an excellent alternative. With Ortho-K, you won't need to rely on glasses or contacts during the day.

Get Orth-K Lenses at Family Vision

If you are considering Ortho-K lenses, schedule an appointment with our eye care experts at Family Vision. We treat patients in Anderson, Williamston, Clemson, and the surrounding areas. Call us today or you can reach us through our website.
